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Question about BIOS

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  • Question about BIOS

    I've read that changing some settings in the Bios will make the computer boot faster. For example, turning off the A: disk drive at startup, which checks for a floppy.

    My question is two-fold: how do you get to the Bios setting that allows you to change that particular setting, and is that bad since there may be a time in the future when you must boot from a floppy (or is there never a time when you need to boot from a floppy???)?

    Thx in advance

  • #2
    Since your BIOS loads BEFORE it reads your first boot device, it is very easy to change this setting when ever you feel like it. I think the setting that is usually referred to is something about Floppy Seek at startup, ie searches for a valid floppy drive in the POST.


    • #3
      well sorta. Floppy seek actually searches if the floppy drive is 40 track or 80 track. Since most floppies we use today (well not anymore) are all 80 track there is no point in this setting at all. As for boot order I turned everything off exept hard drive. Consiering the fact that I don't even have a floppy drive in my PC. If I ever needed one I could always plug one in and turn on that setting.


      • #4
        The following are some of the settings you will want to have in the bios that effect the floppy drive and bot times.

        1. In the first bios section, probably labled "Standard", you can tell the machine that there is no floppy drive by selecting "none" under the floppy heading. (I doubt that this will make a difference in boot times though.)

        2. In the "advanced" section, there are several settings that may help. Under the "boot sequernce" section, set your c: drive as the "first boot device". (When it finds the os on the hard drive, it will look at no other drives, and just boot from there.)

        3. Make sure that "swap floppy drive" is set to "disabled".

        4. Make sure that "floppy drive seek" is set to "disable".

        These settings should should keep floppy drive activities out of the boot process and help to optimize boot times.


        • #5

          Not sure how it will work with your PC, but I think it's about the same for everyone. To get to the BIOS settings everyone is telling you about, you will need to turn your machine on. As you see the PC-maker's logo come up, begin hitting your F2 key. Keep hitting it until your PC beeps and gives you an error message. You will then be able to make a number of selections; the one you want will be something like 'System Setup'. If the F2 key doesn't work, start over and use F5 or F8 or F12! hehe...sorry, but I can't be too precise. Good luck, but be careful about changing too many BIOS settings!


