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Trouble installing SP1

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  • Trouble installing SP1

    After the files are unpacked, I get the error message " The core system file(kernel) used to start Windows is not an authentic Windows file. The service pack installation will be terminated. Go to Microsoft Knowledge Base Q327101 for more information at".

    Checked the knowledge base and Q327101 does not exist. Any ideas?

  • #2
    I use a dual boot with WinME, wonder if this is the problem.


    • #3
      hmm.....not authentic? Tell me something about this dual boot. Are they on separte partitions? Are they on the same partition and formatted as fat32?

      As for that problem with the core kernal it kind of sounds like there is a reinstallation of windows on its way. Either that or the file you downloaded got corrupted?


      • #4
        Its a corporate key installation. ;) WinME is on C: partition, WinXP on D: partition. Both are fat32.

        Downloaded the SP twice just to be sure, same result.


        • #5
          Ok, figured it out. Somehow my NTOSKRNL.EXE file had gotten modified. It was 300 kb smaller than the original from the WinXP install CD. Replaced it with the original and also reinstalled the original BOOT.INI file. SP1 then installed fine.


          • #6
            good. That was gonna be my next guess was maybe a corrupted or modified file.


            • #7
              where exactly is it in the windows xp cd? i checked the 1386 directory and found a NTOSKRNL.EX_ which i renamed to NTOSKRNL.EXE and copied and pasted to wherever it was in my computer, yet i was still unable to install sp1. is it necesary to reboot the computer after replacing it?


              • #8
                absolutly cause this is one of the many core kernal files that windows uses to operate on. It loads it into memory and stays there. I"m actually quite curious why you were able to overwrite it without it giving you an error message saying its in use. Oh well it didn't happen but ya reboot and the file will be freshly reloaded and you should be ok. If not then your problem is something else.

                Then again on the other hand I'm not even to sure if *.ex_ is the same thing as *.exe


                • #9
                  well i am a little reluctant to restart with something i had to rename myself from a .ex_ because my computer may not start correctly... so if you did this and it worked, please tell me.


                  • #10
                    i was wondering if jstic could tell me exactly where in the windowsxp cd he pulled out NTOSKRNL.EXE. also if he rebooted in safe mode to do the replacing.


                    • #11
                      gxken. put the CD in, then use the Windows XP search tool(from the Start button in lower left hand corner) search your CD drive for NTOSKRNL.EXE, it should show up in one of the CAB files. Right click on it when it is found, copy it and paste over your original. The file you found in the I386 folder, is NOT the same file.
                      Do not rename it and try to use it, your PC will not function.
                      Also, if SP1 still will not install, you will need to open your
                      BOOT.INI file and remove the switch" KERNEL=" if you have one

                      If you used a program called BootXP or something similar, this is
                      what modified these files.


                      • #12
                        gxken, no I did not do the copy and paste of the NTOSKRNL.EXE file in safe mode.


                        • #13
                          i searched the cd about 8 times now and can't find NTOSKRNL.EXE located anywhere inside...


                          • #14
                            From what I've seen of other MS products, NTOSKRNL.EX_ is the right file on the CD, but it needs expanding. From memory (could be wrong) try this:

                            1. Copy the file to someone on your HDD
                            2. Open a command line prompt and go to that folder
                            3. Type EXPAND NTOSKRNL.EX_ NTOSKRNL.EXE
                            4. Copy the new file to where it should be

                            Like I said, I think that's right but i'm not entirely certain. Hopefully someone else can back me up.


                            • #15
                              That correct what you told him, they are compressed files, with a letter missing at the end.

                              You are probably best to expand to somewhere on your HDD when it works normally, then, if you have installed it, try and use the recovery console to move the file to where you need it.

