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for testing purposes only message

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  • for testing purposes only message

    I installed and then uninstalled a beta version of the SP1 on my system and since that time during boot, my computer displays this message along with other information, such as release. I have also installed the real SP1 now that it came out... I am running a legal version of XP Pro.

    Is there any way to remove or turn off this message?

  • #2
    send me an e-mail address, i have something that will take it off


    • #3
      Open regedit and go to:

      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertif icates\ROOT\Certificates
      and delete the Key (folder):

      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertif icates\CA\Certificates
      and delete the Key (folder):

      Restart the Windows.


      • #4
        what does it mean when it says that, also why did it say that?



        • #5
          Mine started showing it when I tried to install a earlier beta release of SP1. I undid the service pack, but it never removed the message. more or less shot myself in the foot putting the beta service pack on...It fixed some problems I was having, but broke other things so that was why I took it off. Now am running with the real SP1 and am quite happy with it.


          • #6
            It says that because that is exactlywhat a beta version is... a "test" and the message indicates that is what it is.

            FL.vid.geek... if you have something to share then do it here. This is what forums are about, sharing information... you never know someone else may benefit from your knowledge.


            • #7
              He shared a zip file which had a couple of tools in it. One did some registry work and removed the offending lines. I didn't use anything else.


              • #8
                there is an easy way to get rid of this nagging message. goto start, run, type in certmgr.msc and click ok, look for trust root certification authorities and under it microsoft test root authority, just delete that item. or you can delete it via control panel, internet options, content, certificates.....

                hope this helps. cheers.

