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Slipstreaming SP1 on Corporate

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  • Slipstreaming SP1 on Corporate

    Out of curiosity I decided to give it a try and slipstremed SP1 on the infamous Corporate (you know, the one all naughty boys have been downloading from edonkey, serial code FCKblablabla)... Needless to say setup wont accept the old serial code, also tried to generate a new one with the proggie mentioned in an article somewhere in tweaktown but still no luck... anybody got an idea how to get this to work?

  • #2
    Billy Boy Gates' newest scheme to keep everyone poor was circumvented by yours truly, with the help of LOTS of reading (kudos to gogirl3737, you get most of the credit) in the wee hours of this morning (9/22/2002 4:45AM CST). Using a key I got from another post I was able to slipstream SP1 with my pirated copy of Windows XP Pro. I tested this CD by performing a clean install on my old PC.. and it was flawless. The procedure is simple, in fact, I used most of the instructions from Miscrosuck's website!!:thumb: The key is.. well.. THE KEY!!! Using a non blacklisted CD Key is all you need to do to get the slipstreaming to work. gogirl3737 posted a lenghtly list of Keys, and the first one worked for me.

    To Install SP1

    See gogirl3737's post here...

    Write down a CD Key...

    After that, use this program to change the key you are using...

    Then install SP1

    To Slipstream (Tested on XP Pro ONLY)

    Create a new folder on any drive and name it CD. It's a good idea to do this on a drive with at least a GB of free space.

    Copy ALL the files from the windows XP Installation CD to the folder you just made.

    Make another new folder on the same drive and name it SP1.
    Extract the contents of the SP1 executable to the new SP1 folder with WinRAR or WinZIP.

    Click on the Start button, and click on RUN

    Now here's the kinda tricky part.. assuming you have both folders in the root of your C: drive and labeled them as above, the command would look like this: " c:\sp1\update\update.exe/s:c:\CD " (without quotes)

    After the Setup program finishes integrating SP1 with the Windows XP install files, you can burn the files onto a bootable CD and do a clean install or upgrade directly to SP1. The process for that is detailed on many web pages, including this one, which is for Win2K, but the procedure is the same for WinXP.

    GOOD LUCK!!! :)


    • #3
      matey THANKS A LOT for taking out the time to post this NICE reply to my post, thanks again, both for your kindness and your help


      • #4
        just wanted to let you know i tried the first serial code listed in the abovementioned post (HX2BJ-YJTTY-T27MD-767KP-JGRPJ) and my sp1-patched corporate distribution files does now work, setup continues with no problems at all... still have to go through the complete setup process though, but i think evetything is gonna be ok. :cheers:

