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Must Read: Xp Key Fix

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  • Must Read: Xp Key Fix

    Here is what will fix all of your key generation problems. BUY A COPY OF WINDOWS XP!!!!

    I understand you do not want to pay for it!! There are alternatives, like linux and freebsd. (Basically the *nix's)

    Know you are going to complain, well I cannot play videogames. Or you cannot use word. Well that is the price you pay for not paying the dough in the first place.

    You have three options:
    1. Pay for the product . .
    2. Not pay and go with a different O/S
    3. Try and steal it.

    If you steal the O/S, please do not complain that it is not working properly when they catch on to your tricks. If you want to steal, feel free to do so, but do not waste my time by posting the same f-in message that the previous person has poster...

    **Uhmm exuse me, I will never post again to this forum, but could you please instruct me on how to steal this product. I am not going to read any other post on this same problem, b/c that would take well effort.**

    Can we please use this space for ppl that are having real problems with the operating system, is not detecting my new videocard...blah blah blah....arghhhh!!!!!

  • #2
    i was about to post a similar message.


    • #3
      VERY WELL SAID!!! :thumb:

      That was totally necessary and should fix everything. This thread is overtaken by SP1 FIX!!


      • #4
        it's good to see all the regulars still in here. :) and I agree.


        • #5
          Maybe these people should start a "Theft Town" forum of their own.


          • #6
            lol true dat!!


            • #7
              hehe, I was kind of afraid I was going to be bashed by the regulars for my comments....but I a glad to see that some of you agree!!! :geek:


              • #8
                I think it's a general conception that this is not a good thing. :)


                • #9
                  I agree that the best solution is to purchase your operating system. That's why my XP Guide (and other guides) don't contain info on how to get pirated versions working.

                  That's not to say XP is perfect or "worth" the large sum of money required to buy a non-OEM copy. At the same time if less and less people buy it, it'll cost more and it's a vicious cycle.

                  Anyway the debate rages on all around the net, but I'm not sure why this thread has become a sticky in this forum...
                  My Machine


                  • #10
                    I think it is simple. Want to help ppl with window problems...not help ppl with stealing windows. There is a big difference!

                    About your cycle theory, I have one to. If everybody started using linux, which I believe and average technical inclined person can do, then software companies would be more motivated to support the O/S. Which would mean more games, applications, support, etc.

                    Another point I would like to make, when buying the operating system...always get the OEM version. Just order it online with some hardware, like uhmmm a heatsink. --> I do not know if you can do this, buton sites like all it says is that OEM version must be purchased with hardware, and isnt a heat sink hardware.:thumb:


                    • #11
                      EDIT: Evidence deleted by request from reformed user.. ;)


                      • #12
                        Many countries have a harsher requirement as to what qualifies as "Hardware", but one of the common items to buy in the States to qualify for OEM purchases is a ribbon IDE cable. Costs about $2-3 and then you can get the OEM software for about half retail costs.

                        If you truly have no concerns about stealing, then I can only offer you my pity. It is a pretty sad state of affairs when someone has no conscience.

                        And as for your comments about a game, it's not the hacking that was being griped about but the lack of coutesy that newbies show when they decide to post yet another thread concerning something that has been listed in several others. It shows a severe laziness, no courtesy and a lack of even enough motivation to actually read the other topic headers. Bottom line, it's lame.

                        I'll fall into line with saidin on this topic. If you want it, then buy it. If you must used a hacked copy, then use it as you would a trial. Use it for a while and then if you like it, buy it!
                        Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
                        My Toys


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Slick-O
                          EDIT: removed
                          I can understand the hobby of hacking too. It's the achievement of breaking into something that is supposed to be hard to break. But copying software isn't hacking. Using cracks and keygens (made by the real hackers) isn't hacking... I hate all the little script kiddies that say stuff like that when all they do is use stuff that other people make.. It's people like that who give real hackers a bad name. Most genuine hackers out there do it for good reasons, not with malicious intent.


                          • #14
                            Steeling is steeling no matter how you put.

                            The software I use I paided for, With a Student Discount 1/3 retail.

                            I'm not a student, that's steeling.

                            You all are full of it when it come to steeling.

                            I know that you realy fell for Bill Gates.

                            And never break the speed limits on the road and steel the spot in front of who you jest passed on the road.

                            I will not steel your stuff. but I'll hack all the cracks, and play the game that Gates has already won.


                            • #15
                              Yes I dislike people that will not learn how to use a fourm

