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Must Read: Xp Key Fix

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  • #16
    Good Fourm

    I don't what to go against the flow

    I like this Fourm.

    But I like the challange (game) of a hack.

    Wishing all a good time.

    If I can help anyone I will, Call.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Slick-O
      Steeling is steeling no matter how you put.

      You all are full of it when it come to steeling.

      I know that you realy fell for Bill Gates.

      And never break the speed limits on the road and steel the spot in front of who you jest passed on the road.

      I will not steel your stuff. but I'll hack all the cracks, and play the game that Gates has already won.
      Well, 'steeling' is steeling.. especially in metallurgy circles.

      What exactly am I full of?

      Oh, I must have fallen for Bill Gates. Just because I say a few things, not even MS-related.

      I 'steel the spot in front of who I jest passed on the road'?!?!? English would be nice.

      So you'll hack the cracks.. To what extent? What exactly are you trying to achieve?

      I didn't wanna start a flame war here, but I think it's deserved. Unless you can contribute something worthwhile to these forums, please don't.


      • #18
        Your right I'm going nowhere

        Did not want to get us going nowhere

        I enjoy this fourm

        I'll do better next tread


        • #19
          ... wow. that was easy. :) Ok then.


          • #20
            I've got to tell you...researching a fix for SP1 was actually a good thing for me. It lead me to Tweak Town and I love the site.

            I'm not a thief, nor am I a child..but due to circumstances unknown to me at the time I ended up with a questionable version of XP on my computer even though I DO own a legal , legit, bought and paid for version of XP Pro, actually ...two versions.

            I found out things were not right when I tried to install SP1 which led me on a mission to find out, not a fix....but an answer on how to rid my machine of the questionable product key so I could use my legal one.

            I'm sure I am not alone. Many folks caught up in this problem probably own a legit copy of XP. I don't really want to have to reformat and start out fresh due to someone elses ....ahem....shall we say help?

            Any ways... I have decided that a hard drive wipe will probably be the best thing after reading several posts and other sites.

            I'm glad I found Tweak Town and will check in often. The site and the forums are chock-a-block full of valuable information from follks that seem to really care.

            I hope your forum gets back to normal soon and not every thread is from someone asking for a hand out.

            But please don't assume everyone that is asking about the XP fix is living on the dark side and out to steal the OS illegally.


            • #21
              G Smith welcome to Tweak Town!!

              This is in response to the person who said I like to hack and crack other people's software. I do not understand how using someone elses hack they made to crack someone else's software is saying that you like to hack. If you liked to hack you would sit around and try to figure out how todo it yourself.

              Unless you discover the xploit yourself, or write some code to hack software, then you are not hacking.... you are using someone else exploit to hack software that you did not pay for. ;)


              • #22
                a much simplier way of that is like this.......
                Bob picks on joe
                Joe gets Mike to beat up bob
                joe goes around claining how he wooped bob..



                • #23
                  lol :laugh: , that is a great analogy. Me likey!!!!!


                  • #24
                    Thanks. :bounce2: :D :bounce2:


                    • #25
                      I got off on the wrong foot on this tread/site.

                      I do not steel, at least according to laws of our Great Nation (USA).

                      I write code & scrips to enter the backdoors left by developers to cove their a*s.

                      I do this for the challenge of it, part time, it's an art.

                      I enjoy when a company locks their code and I say I don't think so.

                      Also to make a few extra bucks (if I like the people/company) I setup security systems for their LAN's & WAN's

                      I am truly self-unemploved.

                      As for MR. Gates,

                      I do not give a d*m about Gates and his games.

                      He is a true extreem capitalist.

                      The only thimgs he does for charities is based on tax breaks.

                      I give him credit, He's smart, But mostly at the right place at the right time. (dum luck & cold).

                      Well now that I've told you my life story & sent this tread in a totaly different direction. All I have to say is PIRACY is WRONG.

                      Want it, earn it, buy it.

                      P.S. Linus (OPEN CODE!) & it's sister programs are far far superior to anything Gates (MicroSoft) has to sell, He just markets better.


                      • #26
                        The only thimgs he does for charities is based on tax breaks.
                        I fail to see how giving away billion dollars away as a tax break, you can only write off so much. I think Bill Gates is trying to pull of a Andrew Carnegie....


                        • #27
                          smug complacent self-congratulatory,

                          how about another little homily,

                          customer goes to candy store, sees rock candy hershey bars bubble gum smarties, knows what he wants, chooses.
                          next week customer goes to candy store, sees only hershey bar, hershey bar has eaten all the other candy , theft against candy, theft against candy suppliers, most of all, theft against customer. (choice).

                          Am I suggesting theft of hershey bar? No, I am telling you it is your DUTY to thieve hershey bar.

                          Against the law? Justice Dept god bless them think MS sucks and told BG that he is as welcome on this planet as colon cancer.


                          • #28
                            After a few days on & off this forum, I don't know what to think.

                            Wow, Two sides to every coin.

                            This site seems to have two one sided coins.

                            Let's crack this and that.

                            Don't steel.

                            Better yet, lets pick on type-o's

                            Lots of good stuff on this site, and alot of people with nothing to do.

                            That's Cool whatever turns you on.

                            I try not post just yaba, yaba.

                            But I just can not seem to resist. well enough time on this.

                            I'm going to try to fine something productive to do. :thumb:


                            • #29
                              Just for the record a 'hacker' is someone who works to improve computers and programmes by the creation of new programmes. A 'cracker' is one who seeks to destroy programmes by substituting code and introducing viruses. There is a difference.

                              Just a bit of assistance for Slick-O here:

                              steel should be steal (steel is a hard metal)
                              fine should be find
                              tread should be thread
                              thimgs should be things

                              and that's just a few. It really pays to re-read your posts before you push the submit button. It makes it easier for others to understand what you're talking about


                              • #30
                                Yeah Slick-o........I kept thinking you work at a steel mill or something. You were telling people not to steel, which I thought meant don't make any metal products. :D

                                To take someone elses property is to "steal"........not "steel" :geek:

                                Also......what is your problem with capitalism? You must have never donated anything to charity and then itemized on your end of the year tax returns. The amount that you are able to deduct is a tiny fraction of what you actually donated. Could it be that Bill's motives are not quite as simple as you think they are? Besides, the opposite of capitalism is socialism. You don't want that do you?

