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XP what!!!

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  • XP what!!!

    Heres the deal.
    So what if there are people capable of hackin Windows products, Bill is definatly not hurting for money.
    Do not get me wrong hacking is wrong but what the heck, peeps have been hacking for along time, longer than most of you have been alive.
    Why do we as "Computer Geeks" complain about Bills wooes?
    I am an IT guy myself, and I have seen the costs that Micro Soft push to the user community and the regular users as yourself, and I have to tell you, he is NOT hurting for bucks.
    Besides, how many of you have actually tried to call MS for support?
    How many of you have had to pay for it?
    98% of the time...right.
    And for what, so that hey can tell you to "reinstall windows".... B.S.
    Half the games I play online are hacked, go pick on them to produce games that with the most of us can still play on Win 98 just as well as you can on Win XP, now tell me how many peeps out there have Hacked copies of 98?
    Do you think Bill really cares about 98 now.....of coarse not he made too much money on Win NT, Win 2000 and now Win XP.
    I think XP is by far the BEST OS out there and I am not punching XP at all, but think about it before blasting all of the hackers.....they are going to hack reguardless what you say about them, so we are better off venting on something else, like the game hackers.
    Have you ever tried to play Quake 3 Arena lately? Try it, them you might find better things to gripe about.
    PC game manufactures spend Millions and Billions of bucks per year then you have this 6 year old kid who figures out a why to hack its CD Key code and the next thing you know, 10,000 peeps have it or can get it over the internet.
    It is all a big lets all play fair..
    shall we?

  • #2
    a) Bill Gates himself lost approximately $42 billion dollars last year, which is almost half his worth
    b) 'Bill Gates' isn't all of Microsoft. Just because he runs the company, doesn't mean he IS the company
    c) This isn't 'hacking'... this is blatant piracy. There is a HUGE difference.


    • #3
      Bill Gates owns only 13.6% of the company.
      Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
      Managing Director
      Tweak Town Pty Ltd


      • #4

        OK...ask this..
        A)Why did Bill get burnt in the 1st place?
        B) Bill was the Big Cheese up until not very long ago.
        C) Pirates, Hacks, whatever......................... it is all illegal


        • #5
          Sorry I do not mean to cause such a ruckus
          I too feel strongly about "hacking" products but I just had to put my 2 cents worth in ;)


          • #6
            Just make a clear distinction though. 'Hacking' and piracy are two different things. Piracy is illegal use of software... that's the main topic here...


            • #7
              Ok Ok
              You win, if you want to be politically correct



              • #8
                It's not really PC.. I'm just trying to figure out your argument. :)


                • #9

                  This is a world renouned discussion, I'm not arguing, I am enjoying the fruits of everyone's labor......:shoot3:

                  Fact is or not, human nature says...Do It,...... just like Nike
                  All of us have to answer to only one person here on Earth that is...numero uno...we when die, well then that is a different creature all together...
                  Meanwhile if peeps want to try "Pirated" software, let them....
                  An another fact of life is this...Money does not grow on trees, and after last years devistation, the economy is really crunching alot of peeps who need better.
                  Now as per my original title, XP Hacking what? If peeps can get access to this, that actually need this, rather than abuse it, then let it happen.
                  Ask yourself this, has there EVER..been something you have wanted "So Bad" but could not afford it or could never get into a position of obtaining it?
                  Now, your buddy next door says " here take it, it's free and do not worry about it"
                  Piracy or not, what if that gift your "buddy" was giving you was Windows XP, are you going to tell me you would pass?Now have you ever stolen ANYTHING in your life? BE HONEST? A piece of gum, a dollar from Mom?
                  Now, conjure up everything I have said in this thread and THINK ABOUT IT.


                  • #10
                    No, I do not go out and rob my local Subaru store and steal a WRX b/c I want one. I really really really really want one. But Ic annot afford it!!!! So, I admire from a distance, but never do I think to steal it. You analogy of the gun\m steakling is weak, b/c I am sure we all have stolen something, but realize it is wrong...and learn from our lesson!


                    Your arguements are old and boring. you have nothig new to say.
                    Poor bill gates, he does not need the money. Bill Gates has little or nothing to do with microsoft now. If you have not noticed, Steve Baulmer is in charge. Microsoft is not a private corporation, meaning it is public. Meaning it is invested in through stock purchase. People, like you and I, go to this thing called NASDAQ and say I want some of Microsoft. We buy it, and own a % of the company. This allows anyone to "own" the company. Therefore when you steal microsoft products you are stealing from share holders. Yes, some of the share (actaully alot) belong to Bill Gates, Steve Baulmer, and such. But also alot belong to the average inverstor. the average inverstor could be your neighbor, so essentially you are stealing from your neighbor.

                    OMG, ppl wake up and smell the coffee....this is a company not an entity. Stop trying to threaten it with your tright attempts of triumph over the hurt that is know as the hammer called Microsoft. If you want to hurt it, switch to a different operating system, this way other companies will feel compelled to support other o/s besides Microsoft. The main problem with microsoft is everyone uses it, therefore software is really only made for this o/s... if no one made software (drivers, videogames, word processors, compilers, p2p programs, etc) then no one would buy Microsoft. The worst thing you can do to MS is not use it. :hammer:

                    Okay, I am not going to write anymore....ehehe I want to be IP Attorney...and I love the debate of ppl trying to justify their stealing on intagible items. Just becuase you are only taking 1's and 0's does not mean you are not stealing. hehe: peace2: : peace2:


                    • #11
                      Using something without paying for it is stealing.

                      The fact that Microsoft is a large wealthy corporation makes us feel easier about than, say, stealing our neighbour's car.

                      However the principle is the same.

                      It may be human nature to take what we can get, and I'm no saint either, but I have been saying this for a long time now on various forums:

                      IT WILL COME BACK TO BITE US

                      That's not a moral judgement by the way. What I mean is that the more we - the 'computer enthusiasts' - continue to find ways of using something without paying for it, the bigger the incentive we give to companies to develop 'uncrackable' software and get back the money they put into developing the product. Slowly but surely we'll lose all our freedoms with technology, and perhaps with good reason.

                      When that does happen, I'm sure we'll hear a lot of complaints but the truth is our own lack of restraint was the cause. Do we really need to pirate EVERY piece of software on our system including the OS?
                      My Machine


                      • #12
                        It does come back and bite ya.. Why don't people buy Win XP instead of copying it? due to the price. Why's it so expensive? because for the amount of copies they sell, there's probably twice as many people using illegitimate copies. So they have to bump up the price to recoup costs.. it's a vicious cycle..


                        • #13

                          You work for M$ or you are basically one of the 'shareholder'.

                          True, Bill doesn't need the $$ cos he would probably be busy hugging buxom babes or playing golf. no matter wat his lifestyle, $$ is readily generated for him without him being worried.

                          The ppl that need the $$ are the PICs or so called 'Shareholders'. These are basically the ppl that make life difficult for ppl like us. How many of you buy shares not for the motive of profit.

                          Now, even the life of the legal owners of M$ pdt are being ridicule for the activation crappy thing. I m a legal owner of an XP Home upgrade, after i used up the activation process, i resorted to calling M$ for a new pdt key. There, i was treated like a pirated user. To prove myself as a legal owner, i need to register my OS and i even hv to bring my box and receipt down to M$ office for proof of purchase. Well, this happened in my country. so WTF is all this.

                          Nobody will be stupid enough to steal a Subaru even if he desparately wanted it. pls compare things logically. Here, how many ppl in the world used friendly versions of M$ pdts. So how many of them can M$ prosecute and put them behind bars.

                          How can we not use M$. Do we hv options. After been sued for monopolised trade, M$ is still widely being used by every living beings that use computer. it's become like indispensable and we are being poison with the drugs. when the needs or craving arouse, can we substitute the consuming with say viagra.

                          There are no rooms for the likes of Red Hat, Sun etc to grow. How many of us can comfortably say we will adopt Red Hat and give up M$ totally.

                          we are not stealing it, we are just borrowing it for evaluation. Hoping one day M$ can convinces us to adopt them wholeheartedly.

                          i hv say my stand and hv nothing more to add on here even if being heavily ridiculed here.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by iNDEX
                            I m a legal owner of an XP Home upgrade, after i used up the activation process, i resorted to calling M$ for a new pdt key. There, i was treated like a pirated user. To prove myself as a legal owner, i need to register my OS and i even hv to bring my box and receipt down to M$ office for proof of purchase. Well, this happened in my country. so WTF is all this.
                            This is the result of pirates. Because piracy is getting out of hand, the legitimate users are finding it harder and more expensive to use the software.

                            Bottom line is if you don't like "Bill" or MS, don't use their software. That's the best protest. Using it and not paying for it is neither brave nor smart.
                            My Machine


                            • #15
                              In reponse to iNDEX:
                              Nobody will be stupid enough to steal a Subaru even if he desparately wanted it. pls compare things logically. Here, how many ppl in the world used friendly versions of M$ pdts. So how many of them can M$ prosecute and put them behind bars.

                              See you are missing the point. It is the SAME thing. Stealing is stealing! What you are trying to do, and what everybody does, is they try to convince themselves what they are doing it okay. I am saying it is not okay. No I do not work for MS and no I do not own MS stock. I am just taking a correct position on this. Just b/c they are not prosecuiting does not mean that they cannot! I laugh everytime I read someone trying to convince me of their justification to stealing.

                              There are no rooms for the likes of Red Hat, Sun etc to grow. How many of us can comfortably say we will adopt Red Hat and give up M$ totally.
                              What are you talking about. Are you blind, Red hat has grown into a pretty substantial corporation. No it is not big as microsoft. But it is getting pretty big, and why? Cause there product is getting better and so is their business model. :thumb: So, there is room to grow...even with Microsoft at the top!

                              we are not stealing it, we are just borrowing it for evaluation. Hoping one day M$ can convinces us to adopt them wholeheartedly.
                              No, you are not borrowing. You are stealing. I doubt you are going to uninstall the O/S untill you can get a new free pirated copy of the newest version and install that. This is not borrowing. Stealing.

                              Bottom line is if you don't like "Bill" or MS, don't use their software. That's the best protest. Using it and not paying for it is neither brave nor smart.
                              So true. One of my points I am trying to make. You want to hurt MS, then do not buy there products and USE other companies products. B/c even if you do not buy Windows, but still use it...they are making money somewhere down the road b/c of you.

