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Sweet Site..that is this place

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  • Sweet Site..that is this place

    After raising the dead I'd like to point out one thing.....
    This site is sweet, there is alot of usefull info here, and the Tweak far...seems to be excel!!!!
    I might stick around awhile

  • #2
    You're the second person in as many days to come in here, have a 'rough' start, then like the place. :) I just hope there's a few more that decide to stay


    • #3
      I find the longer I'm here the more I like it.
      Heck, they're just stuck with me now I reckon.

      Welcome to the community BrokenSaint:wave:
      The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Beefy
        I just hope there's a few more that decide to stay
        Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
        Managing Director
        Tweak Town Pty Ltd


        • #5
          I plan to hang around for awhile.:wave:
          can't get my own avatar to work, fits the size and type required. about 6 kb and is a gif. here it is...


          • #6
            Try adding it again now, we had a few problems with our server which are now fixed.
            Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
            Managing Director
            Tweak Town Pty Ltd


            • #7
              uploading to your server worked. Thanks, I was trying to host it myself, save your space, but that option didn't work.


              • #8
                welcome to the tweak town, where I will probably write something to piss someone off....especially about the stealing of XP. I think I have ticked of 900000 ppl, b/c I get mad that they try and justify their stealing!!!!

                wow this was my 200th post!!!! whooo hoo!


                • #9
                  I think I'll be around for a while as well......The info this site provides is fantastic!

                  And the people seem very nice.



                  • #10
                    There seems to been an influx of new people lately, it'll be intresting how many stay, and how many more join.


                    • #11
                      hopefully a lot will stay...the more the merrier!!! woot!:bounce2: :bounce: : party ha


                      • #12
                        It's interesting to read some of these comments of late. Everyone has their own opinion and in some cases everyone is right. But there are some ppl that are set in their own principals and can't change their way of thinking whether it be right or wrong.

                        What a boring world we would have if everyone had the same opinion about everything.:?:

