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Problems with SP1

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  • Problems with SP1

    I recently got a Desknote 929 and installed SP1. The reaction wasn't a good one. I rebooted and the system then would not load XP anymore, it would start booting up and then constantly restart about 3/4 through the bootup. Long story short => I ended up just reinstalling and not getting SP1 again.

    NOW - every now and then I am getting random stop errors and am thinking about seeing if SP1 might help.

    Any suggestions? Has anyone had a problem like this - know of a similar one?


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    Athlon XP2500+ FSB333<br>
    Soltek SL-75FRN -L<br>
    2X256 Corsair XMS PC3200<br>
    80GB Deskstar 7200RPM</font>
    </p></td><td width="125"><p align="center"><font color="#003300" size="-3" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Sound
    Blaster Live!<br>
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    GeForce 4 Ti4200 64MB<br>
    19" TRINITRON CRT FLAT<br><br> ANTEC true430 PSU</font>