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WIndows XP SP1 WPA - Dont want to activate...

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  • WIndows XP SP1 WPA - Dont want to activate...

    there are certain people among has who have purchased Win XP just for the much debated ease of use, however do not wish to compy with MS fasism and activate since they like to tweak with their config, change graphics cards / mobos without having to buy a new OS each time they upgrade their HW.

    I am one of those guys that have bought an OEM license of XP and have gotten round WPA by using the cracked winlogon.exe

    My question is. since SP1 replaces winlogon.exe with updated version and windows asks to activate,is there a new cracked version of winlogon for SP1 so that windows still think it is updated.

    btw for one more time the fact that MS have limited installation of the OS to a single computer with the excuse of piracy is fasism in its purest form.... so that they can get even more money to their pockets from each user. in the old days when you have paid for a program it was yours to use and install at your will as long as you had it for your own use.I would even accept the software to be running on a single computer at any time (as is the copyright laws etc... saying it has to be used like a book if you lend it to a friend you cant use it yourslef bla bla bla). But having to buy os that is single use like condoms...thats really cheap of them. I wonder how cheaper they can get..

    please dont tell me to use linux, I have been made to use windows since 1993 and I am too old now and dont have the will or the time to read 59568686 faq in order to learn basic things in linux. Unfortunately user friendly is still something that linux is not....

  • #2
    Can someone respond to this I would like to know myself.:geek:


    • #3
      I need the answer also. SP1 installation is requiring activation.
      I don't want to. I didn't mind buying it I just don't like being told how to use it.


      • #4
        with a cracked winlogon.exe the chances of updating sp1 successfully is close to zero. its better to use system restore to roll back to pre-sp1 and stick with it.


        • #5
          and one more word, dont try reset5 it would give you more headaches than you deserve!!


          • #6
            i think the point is to find if there is a new winlogon.exe cracked for SP1. and if not..someone to crack should not be too difficult if they did it last time. maybe though old winlogon.exe still work...


            • #7
              Getting creative now, aren't they?:hammer:


              • #8
                sure mate. i tried that (copying the old cracked winlogon and replacing the one installed by sp1) and guess what...... i was locked out of my machine upon next boot!!! (the good news is i reinstalled xp, got a bluelist key and activated online, and had sp1 working now)

                hope you have more luck.:D :D :D


                • #9
                  "the good news is i reinstalled xp, got a bluelist key and activated online, and had sp1 working now"

                  what exactly do you mean with "bluelist key"? isn't it possible to activate SP1 without uninstalling windows. (I have retail version and winlogon.exe cracked by WPA).


                  • #10
                    the simple answer is NO. uninstall sp1, replace the cracked winlogon with the original, then try activation with a new key. you have more luck that way than banging your head with sp1 installed.
                    m$ has mysterious ways of doing things. the bluelist is all you need, and dont expect any sp1 crack when you can do it the easy way.


