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I want change my Window-Xp professional product key

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  • I want change my Window-Xp professional product key

    I want change my window-xp professional product key.tell me procedure for window xp professional not window-xp corporate.

  • #2
    Follow these instructions:

    0. Run a system restore to create a new checkpoint in case you need it.

    1. Run regedit and go to:
    HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Cu rrent Version\WPAEvents, on
    the right double click on "oobetimer" and change at least one digit of this
    value to deactivate windows.

    2. Choose run from start menu and type in this command:
    %systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a to get the activation screen and go to
    the second option which is activate by phone.

    3. In the new screen choose the option to change product key, and type in the
    new product key.

    3a. If it brings you back to the prior screen after entering the new key click
    remind me later and then reboot.

    4. Close that window, reboot your system and enter the command in step 2 for the
    second time to verify your activation , you should see "windows is already


    • #3
      I do this procedure,but nothing happened.then what can i do?


      • #4
        Firstly, have you read through other threads here? they might contain a solution to your problem. Secondly, what do you mean, nothing happened. Something must have happened


        • #5
          I read whole that procedure,but oobe.exe file not what can i do. my cd key is FCKGW-RHQQ2-...


          • #6
            ... You do realise that is THE corporate key that everyone has? I hope that isn't the new key you are trying to enter.


            • #7
              :confused: I have tried the command listed above to launch the cd key dialog box and NOTHING happens, I tried to figure out how to reverse the changes made by antispyXP which I had run shortly after installing XP on the new machine I built and I think that is what has screwed it to the point where I can't figure what is going on. I do think if I could replace a dll that antispy alters with an unaltered file that msoobe would be functional. The problem is I do not have access to an unaltered dll, if anyone can help I would appreciate it a bunch...:confused:


              • #8
                yes, either that or your xp pro is a cracked version which disabled activation (such as what reset did). xp pro retail needs online activation and if yours didnt than that was it.

