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Why Windows XP and not Windows 2000?

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  • #16
    If you already own/run Win2K, I wouldn't really say you have to switch to XP.

    However if you've got any other MS OS, I highly recommend WinXP (Pro is preferable, but Home & Pro are almost identical).

    Basically you can customise WinXP a lot more than Win2K. Plus WinXP is the major OS which MS will be pushing and supporting in the future, and almost all games will try and be compatible with XP first and foremost.

    Most importantly, XP has a great blue interface. That alone is well worth the cost of upgrading :)
    My Machine


    • #17
      Originally posted by PersianImmortal
      Most importantly, XP has a great blue interface. That alone is well worth the cost of upgrading :)
      That is the one and only thing that I don't like about XP. But ya about home vs professional there are like 3 differences at most. One of them is in the administrative tools. I think like 2 of the groups are missing. And the color scheme on bootup/shut down. But that irrelevent.


      • #18
        Home does not support NTFS (i think), no admin tools, and cant be added to a domain.


        • #19
          I'm almost totally positive that XP Home supports NTFS. NTFS is the NT File System and 2000 & XP both run on the NT Kernel, so it would be logical that they use the same File System.

          Am I right on this one guys?


          • #20
            Yes, you are correct.

            However it dosent have all of the high end networking stuff built in like adding the comp to a domain like SegiY said.

