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NTLDR: fatal error BOOT.INI

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  • NTLDR: fatal error BOOT.INI

    i went so start up a computer the other day running win xp home and i got

    NTLDR: Fatal Error 4096 reading BOOT.INI

    what is this y am i getting it and how do i get rid of it
    :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

  • #2
    Can you boot into safe mode and use system restore to take you back to a point before these problems? Also did you install anything or change any settings just prior to your problem starting? :?:


    • #3
      Sounds like the boot.ini file is corrupted. Here's a link that gives an example of a generic boot.ini file that you might use to get running:


      • #4
        you can also try copying a BOOT.INI file from another working XP system. as long as XP is installed to the same drive/partition and directory it should work. unless of course your XP box needs a third party driver to boot then it might need the same hardware for this to work.


        • #5
          start->run and type in 'msconfig' (w/o quotes)
          clickk the boot.ini tab, then press the 'check boot paths' button. msconfig will scan your boot.ini and (hopefully) correct any problems


          • #6
            when i start the computer up it does not even get the to the loading windows xp the boot.ini comes up first. i tryed putting in the windows xp home disk and went to restore and recover and it said put in a # i tryed all the #s but i could not get anything to work. i am more then stuck and about to just format it but i don;t want to lose everything:cry:


            • #7
              If you don't want to lose everything, try booting from the xp cd and just re-installing xp.

