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Change waving flag on IE6 browser

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  • Change waving flag on IE6 browser

    I'm tired of seeing that waving flag on the top righthand
    corner of my browser. Is there any way to change it???
    Can anyone one help? I'm running windows xp pro if that
    helps any.

  • #2
    I don't think you can change it as its built into the OS/IE. I know that when you have GAY-O-L and you have IE installed from it, there are gif files that are in the directory. Called AOL22 and AOL44. When I upgraded to IE6 back in the day of Win2k. It was the spinning globe but when I got XP it became the waving flag. At first I didn't personally like it but I have since gotten used to it and I no am bothered about it.


    • #3
      MS has a tool to create your own animated .bmp file which you can replace the default one with. Look on the XP cdrom under \Support\Tools\, I think it's in there. I think there's also a group policy setting you can use to replace it, but I can't remember for sure at the moment. If you really want it changed, you can download IEAK6 and create your own custom version of IE, complete with a custom logo.


      • #4
        Hey Bloodred,
        Where can I find and download IEAK6. It sound just like what I need. I'll do almost anything to get rid of that waving flag. Back with win98 that spinning globe wasn't too bad but this flag has
        got to go.


        • #5
          Originally posted by careless
          Hey Bloodred,
          Where can I find and download IEAK6. It sound just like what I need. I'll do almost anything to get rid of that waving flag. Back with win98 that spinning globe wasn't too bad but this flag has
          got to go.
          Go to and search for IEAK, there is a download site for it on there somewhere. It's a pretty small download, but it'll try to download all the updates and packages for IE6 during the setup, so I wouldn't do it on a 56K. Alternatly, I remembered the group policy setting. To go Start-Run, and type in gpedit.msc. When that starts up, look under User Configuration->Windows Settings->Internet Explorer Maintenance->Browser User Interface. Double-click Custom Logo, and it'll bring up a window which lets you choose any .bmp you want to use. It'll also tell you the size the bmp(s) need to be. If you're good with Photoshop or something similar, you can create a few bmps, then use the MS tool I mentioned in my above post to animate them. You may be able to find custom bmps on the web too, I haven't searched myself though. Hope that helps.


          • #6
            And when you have done all this watch out for the "How do I repair my IE6" posts!

            PS Where do you get animated .bmp's? gifs yes but bmp's!


            • #7
              And where do I get those animated .bmp's? Damn good question
              I have been looking but can't least not the size I need
              which is 22x22 & 38x38. I do not have any software that can do the job. I downloaded IEAK but only having a 56k modem and to install would take too long as BloodRed warned me about. Man
              were you right. So my only option is to find already sized .bmp's.
              So here goes my plea for help on that.
              Oh and by the way, I did try the Group policy setting and used
              the sample .bmp's that are found in IEAK6/toolkit/graphics/samples and it did work. So thanks to BloodRed for that tip.


              • #8
                You can also use TweakUI and X-Setup to further customize your system interface quickly and easily.
                My Machine


                • #9
                  The little waving flag, in technical terms is known as the "throbber".

                  Armed with that information, you can find a wealth of information on modding that aspect of IE by using Google.

                  Here's a fairly comprehensive page on the topic;
                  Latest news coverage, email, free stock quotes, live scores and video are just the beginning. Discover more every day at Yahoo!

                  The IEAK is available at;

                  Very comprehensive tool, that one.

                  Best of luck to you, have fun!
                  The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                  • #10
                    :cheers: Thank Mr. C, That link to throbber hit the spot. And
                    thank you all. I think-it I'm all set and on the way to making
                    some bmp of my own soon. But for mean time I have been able to get rid of that "Waving Flag". Which is just great.


                    • #11
                      Glad it helped!
                      Having the right terminology helps when searching the web.
                      (even if it is silly sounding like "throbber")

                      I am having difficulty restraining myself from using a double-entendre' here, so I'll just end this post now:laugh:
                      The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                      • #12

                        Very easy and free

