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Loosing Mind Please Help

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  • Loosing Mind Please Help

    I hope someone can help me cuz I am definetly loosing my mind...Ok first my computer had ME installed and I hated it so I went out and bought Windows xp upgrade and did a clean install, installed xp everything went great untill I shut off the computer and then when I went to use it again I turned it on and it gets stuck on the windows start up screen just stays there wont budge..I turned it off manually and restarted I cant get on normally cuz it still sticks on the windows start up screen so I go to safe mode and it works fine there I try to use system restore still same thing.So what could be causing this anyone who can help me I will be so grateful..Oh by the way I check and my software and hardware Compatibility and all is well there...

  • #2
    When you did a fresh install did you format as well?

    Also when you start up in safe mode open the msconfig and see if there is alot of stuff starting up. Maybe something happened.


    • #3
      Hi thanks for respondingI did format as well.I will check msconfig as soon as I am done putting windows back on couldnt do anything but look at the windows start up screen lol.. Any suggestions would be great!!! Angelbaby


      • #4
        Ok I formatted and reinstalled XP and it still is freezing on the windows logo screen where the little green progress light just keeps moving but windows will not load....SO any ideas?


        • #5
          If you can give us full details of all the hardware in your system then that may give us a better idea on what's going on. ;)

          Also, did you run the system compatability test on the PC before loading XP on? :?:


          • #6
            Sounds like a hardware problem. Your hardware details would help, and if anything has been overclocked or changed from specification, please indicate.

            Also, maybe you should go into your BIOS (keep pressing DEL as your PC is first booting) and choose the "Load Fail Safe Defaults" option.
            My Machine


            • #7
              Ok it is working now I unplugged my dvd rom and it starts fine!!I guess the dvd took a dump cuz it was working with ME. I dont know but XP is working great and so much quicker that ME..Thanks for all the suggestions.. Angelbaby

