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Installing XP

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  • Installing XP

    Hey fellas, I recently acquired a version of Win XP and want to install it on my P4 system which currently has only 1 partition (40 GB Hard Drive). The current OS is Win Me. I would like to divide the HD into 2 20 Gb partitions with Win Me running in one and install Win Xp in the other partition. Since I'm a neophyte, I don't want to reformat the HD before doing the above since this would entail reinstalling Win Me and all my other applications in 1 partition. Is there a way to create 2 partitions without having to reformat the HD? Also how can I use the applications running in Win Me with the Win XP OS without installing them again in the Win XP partition, assuming I can get Win XP installed in the 2nd. partition. Any suggestions/help would be greatly appreciated. :confused:

  • #2
    Partition Magic 7 or 8 will do that for you. ;)


    • #3
      uhhm, I would backup your data and get rid of windows ME> Not worth the pain to save that travisty of an operating system. I know it will suck having to spend a lot of time backing up your data....but I think you will be happier in the long run. But if you really need to keep windows me, then I would go with the suggestion of the wiggo....part. magic. Well, whatever you decide...GOOD LUCK!


      • #4
        Thanx for the suggestions mates. My ultimate goal is to just have Win XP but until I install it and fool around with it for a while I'll keep Me (no matter how bad it is) as a backup OS. Thanx again. :bounce:


        • #5
          That's best, I started with XP by usin' it in a dual boot with SE till I became comfortable with it. ;)


          • #6
            that is cool. I understand that you would want to be comfortable with XP before it becomes your primary os. I think you will find that XP is very similiar to that of ME, just a lot more stable.
            The NT kernel rock0rs, have fun with it!

            BTW, I would back up important data before you mess around with a precaution!@!!!

