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lock desktop/terminal

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  • lock desktop/terminal

    does anyone know how to get the feature of locking the desktop back in XP i had to reformat cause of SP1 and when i reinstalled, winkey+L is now logout instead of lock computer
    and i miss this function and i would like to get it back so if anyone can help me that would be great

  • #2
    bump, cause i would realy like to know:rolleyes2 :bounce2:


    • #3
      dont know, but found this on another site:
      "To create a shortcut on your desktop to lock your computer:
      Right-click the desktop.
      Point to New, and then click Shortcut.
      The Create Shortcut Wizard opens. In the text box, type the following:
      rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

      Click Next.
      Enter a name for the shortcut. You can call it "Lock Workstation" or choose any name you like.
      Click Finish.

      You can also change the shortcut's icon (my personal favorite is the padlock icon in shell32.dll).
      To change the icon:
      Right click the shortcut and then select Properties.
      Click the Shortcut tab, and then click the Change Icon button.
      In the Look for icons in this file text box, type:
      Click OK.
      Select one of the icons from the list and then click OK"


      • #4
        logs me out of windows


        • #5
          completely logs ofF? ie. closes programs. or just displays the login window but keeps programs open when logged back in?


          • #6
            login screen, but it doesnt lock the comp, the feature i am looking for is a little window on the screen "computer is locked only me/administrator can unlock it"
            and you only see that and the desktop background
            something like the lock feature for linux


            • #7
              damnit i lost the post cause my modem lease expired.

              anyways u have to do this:

              1. go to control panel, user accounts
              2. select CHANGE THE WAY USERS LOG IN AND OFF
              3. DEselect the USE WELCOEM SCREEN option
              4. automatically, the fast user switching will be disabled.

              it will let you lock the PC by pressing WINKEY + L or via CTRL ALT DEL

              but, note that it will also disble the welcoem screen and give you the win2k style login box.

              hope it helps



              • #8
                but before i had both
                cause i had to type my password to login


                • #9
                  i found it, just turn off fast user switching or what ever!, thanks man for getting in on the right track, its much appreciated:cheers:


                  • #10
                    lol, my pleasure

                    check out 's sections of tweaking.... there's a lot of useful info over there too. I've found around 10 tweaks myself that have GREATLY improved my system.


                    : peace2:

