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Anyone know of any good SP1 XP Tweaks?

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  • Anyone know of any good SP1 XP Tweaks?


    I'm new to these forums but I have been a long time reader of the great tweak guides on this page. I have had great success triming my verson of WinXP to achive great success in my applications.

    My questions are these and they goe out to all:

    1. Are there any performance tweaks all of you know that are not on this tweak guide.

    2. Are there any Service Crack, huh, I ment pack 1 spasific tweaks that can be done that can improve performance for XP users that use Service Crack 1?

    Info would be great. . . I am anxious to try and squeeze more juice out of my OS.

  • #2
    Go here:

    Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
    Managing Director
    Tweak Town Pty Ltd


    • #3
      Originally posted by Mr.Tweak

      Thanks for the link but from what I saw that link only had information conserning installing the SP1. I already have it installed and was curious if there are Spasific Tweaks that can only be done with SP1.

      With the SP1 update I was curious if it installed any uneccessary background services (services.msc) or any gpedit.msc services. Or any other tweaks to help trim an XP with SP1 installed.


      • #4
        I know of only one good tweak for the SP1...

        Start --> Control Panel --> Add/Remove Programs and then get rid of the POS!
        Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
        My Toys


        • #5
          Originally posted by Darthtanion
          I know of only one good tweak for the SP1...

          Start --> Control Panel --> Add/Remove Programs and then get rid of the POS!

          Is there a particular reason you don't like the Service Pack? I rescently reinstalled and threw it in. I havn't had any problems with it at all.

          Becides. . . most of the SP consists of Security/Critical updates consolidated into one thing.

          It's been running fine for me and I have notice NO degradation in performance; games or other.

          I see quite a few people that don't like the SP1; why?


          • #6
            It only seems to go in trouble free on newer installs of XP. If you've had your system up and running for a while quite a few folks have had severe problems after upgrading to SP1.


            • #7
              I had two main gripes about the so-called update.

              - Higher pings when gaming online;
              - Refusal of Outlook Express to use multiple email accounts anymore.

              The email thing is the main reason that it died a quick death on my system. Considering that I have a personal email account, two through TweakTown and a third that I constantly monitor, the multiple account support was a requirement.

              I also heard of several folks having their systems die on them and force a reinstall of the OS, but I really kinda think most of them were using illegal copies of Windows, so I didn't really concern myself greatly with that.
              Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
              My Toys


              • #8
                Originally posted by Darthtanion
                I had two main gripes about the so-called update.

                - Higher pings when gaming online;
                - Refusal of Outlook Express to use multiple email accounts anymore.

                The email thing is the main reason that it died a quick death on my system. Considering that I have a personal email account, two through TweakTown and a third that I constantly monitor, the multiple account support was a requirement.

                I also heard of several folks having their systems die on them and force a reinstall of the OS, but I really kinda think most of them were using illegal copies of Windows, so I didn't really concern myself greatly with that.
                But theres a workaround to get the Multiple Identities working by configuring Outlook Express to prompt you for an identity each time it starts.
                1. In Outlook Express click File->Identities->Manage Identities.
                2.In the Manage Identities dialog, remove the tick beside Use This Identity When Starting A program and click Close.
                The next time you run Outlook Express ,it will prompt you to choose an Identity. You'll also be able to swich identities from within the program in the usual fashion, but Outlook Express will prompt you twice to supply the identity name.
                This is a hassle, but it's still worth installing SP1.


                • #9
                  If you're happy with this workaround, then more power to you. I prefer not to have to tell the program who I want to be every time I check mail... which equates to many times per day. It's just not worth the hassle to me. And I still had the problem with higher pings to my favorite gaming servers.

                  Thanks, but no thanks. :thumbs do
                  Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
                  My Toys


                  • #10
                    No higher pings for me, my gaming has not been affected whatsoever.......And outlook express bites anyway (IMHO). So I don't have a prob.......:thumb:


                    • #11
                      I use Outlook express with SP1 and several email accounts (hotmail, tweaktown, my ISP's, etc.) and it checks them all rapidly and without any problems. Not sure why this is happening to you Darth.

                      As for "SP1 Tweaks" well I don't think there are any tweaks specific to SP1. Try my XP Tweak guide (sticky at top) and you'll basically have all the known performance tweaks available for XP with or without SP1.
                      My Machine

