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Vitual Memory Error

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  • Vitual Memory Error

    after i seem to leave my computer idle, i get a virtual memory error, my net dc's and it becomes pretty chunked up.
    any ideas what may have caused this? or how to fix it?
    its happened about 3/4 times now and only happens when i go to bed.
    oh, and im running win xp pro if taht helps.

  • #2
    does this mean no one has heard of this problem, or has any idea what its all about?


    • #3
      Open Task Manager and see what's running in the background when it's seemingly "idle" (which programs and/or processes). It could be a virus scanner, it could be a virus/trojan, it could be your network connection or the hardware.

      Need more info before we can help pin it down.
      My Machine


      • #4
        PersianImmortal once again leads the way with some excellent points.

        Here's some generic-type stuff that leaps to my mind;
        Is Windows managing your VM? If so, could you possibly do it better?
        If not, perhaps you need to revamp your VM tweaks.
        Do you have enough free space on your HDD for virtual memory?
        And I do hate to bring it up, but is it possible you have 1 or more bad sectors within the area of the HDD occupied by VM?

        not running a deathstar I hope
        The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.

