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75% CPU load when idle

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  • 75% CPU load when idle

    I'm now a little confussed. My system is showing 75% CPU load when idle. As soon as I move my mouse it drops to 1 or 2%. I've closed all but the essential programs and still no different!

    Anyone any ideas?! Cause CPU at 75% surely 'aint that good, although no problems with CPU temp.

    I'm running Win98 SE

    AMD 1800+
    A-Bit mutts nuts Mobo
    256 PC2100 Ram
    20G Maxtor 7200rpm
    Geforce 2 MX 64mb

  • #2
    If you hit Ctrl-Alt-Del it will bring up the task manager window. Take a peek and look for something out of the ordinary. This should give you an idea as to what is causing the CPU to work so hard. From there, you can either uninstall the offending program or disable it at bootup by using the msconfig command under RUN on the Start Menu.
    Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
    My Toys


    • #3
      The only things running are:


      and thats it....I've been through the process of closing down programs and disabling them in startup but to no avail, hence my frustration.

      What is strange is that as soon as I move the mouse or do something the CPU load drops to about 5%.

      There are about 50 Kernel Threads on average...I don't know how normal a figure that is....

      ...any further suggestions?!


      • #4
        Do you have an antivirus program running there? :?:


        • #5
          Whats a "A-Bit mutts nuts Mobo" ? I tend to like ABIT products, and i have a "list" (look down), so dont say anything i wouldnt aprove of...


          • #6
            I disabled the virus checker thinking that may be the cause...unfortunately not that simple!

            The only things that are still running on my system are Windows programs, I'll post an actual list of running programs.

            Is there any reason why the CPU load would increase when idle...I've had a lot of spyware which I've painstakingly removed!

            I'm considering a full reinstall, but to be honest I really don't want to!

            Anymore thoughts?!


            • #7
              The mutts nuts originates from the dogs bollox.....which, my friend, in England means something is top notch. If I were unhappy with my A-Bit board I may describe it as the cats arse...but I am very happy with it (after killing a MSI board trying to flash the BIOS!)


              • #8
                Here is the list of running programs...


                Could any of these be causing the problem?!

                :confused: :confused: :confused:


                • #9
                  The only advide I can give is Disable every thing bar explorer and systray Then run the system with only one of the extra service running at a time and see which one might be causeing the problem if that fails to find the culprit it might be that 2 services are fighting over one resource and the problem will only occur when there running at the same time Which is a harder problem to narrow down


                  • #10
                    i dont liike Ddhelp.exe - anything with word "help" in it in the windows operating system is suspicious to me...

                    ... and Mutts Nuts is good... hmmm... ive only heard of the Bees Knees, but... good i like Abit, too. Top MB comany to me, and part of the top three "A" MB companies to me Abit Asus, and AOpen. Quality in that order...


                    • #11
                      I was of the understanding that DDhelp.exe was something not to be deleted.

                      How can I shut these running tasks down...I've shut all that I can in the system config utility, and with Ctrl-Alt-Del, but how do I shut the rest down?

                      I've had a lot of spyware on my PC recently, and think (?!) I've got rid of it all, is it possible I've missed something that hides itself from the running tasks list in sys info and Si Sandra?

                      This is really annoying me now!!!!!!!!!!

                      Cheers for the help so far!



                      • #12
                        Start/Run and type " msconfig " (w/o the " " ) and hit Enter, then go to the Startup tab and untick the unwanted programs but do not untick anything else, especially any power profiles. ;)


                        • #13
                          Using MS Config utility doesn't present me with a way of stopping the list of running programs (seen above 4 or 5 posts).

                          I pressume it must be a background application that is churning away when my pc is idle. Could it be something from BIOS....wake up on xxxxxxx?!?! Or something like that?!?!

                          Maybe it's just a Win98 problem?!

                          Or maybe it's the :flames:


                          • #14
                            Did you use it to stop the Rnaapp.exe? :?:

                            It's not a Win98 prob but that program above is probably the cause (I've had this one before but I can't remember the app that goes with it atm, Norton Antivirus maybe). ;)


                            • #15
                              I was just bein' sarcastiv 'bout the help.exe one... btw

