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WinXP won't boot up

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  • #16
    Okay I had a same thing happen to two systems that I worked on for people. Took the whole dang thing apart thought it was the power supply and tried another board and CPU as I added expansion cards it turned out the sound card was bad. Booted up fine and is still going. The system had a bad modem.

    Maybe this will help.


    • #17
      I've wondered about my sound card and did try removing but it didn't help. I'll try again along with my other cards


      • #18
        k, I've taken out my Sound Card, network card, and swapped out my video card to no avail. I also tried changing my slave drive to master drive and that didn't help either :(


        • #19
          Man then I don't know, sorry.


          • #20
            Well here is one more idea. You may need to get a new bios chip from Abit. Had you flashed the bios prior to this maybe it's the wrong version or something. I know my epox recommends that you don't flash it while you have it over clocked (did you do that)?


            • #21
              I did flash my bios with a new version a few weeks ago and just checked Abits website and my comp to be sure that I did update to the proper version, I did. I've never OC'd my comp


              • #22
                Perhaps it had an error during the flash I would contact ABIT and get a new chip, if you can.


                • #23
                  I've now tested my HDD in my parents computer and YEA!!! it works just fine. So yep its the motherboard most likely


                  • #24


                    • #25
                      I'm having a very similar problem, and it's only after installing some XP updates....

                      I've read that if you turn off auto reboot and allow XP to go into BSOD on boot up it may give you a clue to what is causing the problem.

                      Haven't done it yet, can't figure out how to get the system back up if it doesn't reboot...

                      I am able to get my puter up if I go into safe mode and then reboot from there. Seems I'm only affected by a cold start.

                      Wiggo and a few others have recommended that I take out my memory and reseat it along with my other PCI cards... I plan on trying that this weekend.


                      • #26

