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Help! Recovery Problem!!

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  • Help! Recovery Problem!!

    Here's the situation: This is the first time I have recovered my system using the OEM recovery disc provided by HP. Upon initial reboot the screen is corrupted so that parts of the graphics of the setup screens overlap. I can click the next buttons til I get to the EULA screen but cannot see the accept button ( it is hidden by a portion of the other grapics on this screen). I had changed graphics cards to a Matrox G450 from the original. I'm guessing this must be why I am having this problem. The quality of the graphics is low, it seems to be defaulted at a low resolution, which possibly if it can be changed may help the graphics overlap problem. But since Windows is not fully installed yet I can't adjust anything. Any ideas please?

  • #2
    It is my guess that the recovery disk is loading graphics drivers early on in the process and causing a conflict with the new card. The only solutions if that is the case are to either reinstall the old video card until Windows is loaded, or use a standard Windows installation cd to reload Windows.


    • #3
      Thanks Bigjack. I was thinking the same thing, but since I had already e-bayed my old card I was hoping there might be a different route. Looks like I'm off to the computer shop for a cheap card. Thanks for the reply.

