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Nethood error viewing network

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  • Nethood error viewing network

    I have just reinstalled win ME and all my othe applications the last thing i did was to setup the small home network using the XP cd i did the exect same procedures on my old pc to conect to a Win 98 pc and Win XP pc wit no problems but when i trie to view my network places on the desktop i get a script error :

    An Error Has Occured On The Script On This Page
    Line: 206
    Char: 21
    Error: Unspecified Error
    Code: 0
    URL: file://Win-ME\Web\nethood.htt

    Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?

    Weather i choose yes or no i cant see any of my network conections ,But if i look in Win-Me/nethood i see the other pc's and they have no problem viewing my pc.I tried rerunning the network setup wizard and get the same error.And i have disabled
    Script debugging in the Tools /Internet options/advanced setings and i still get the same error .Is there any way to uninstall network conection and reinstall it ?Thanks