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All Updates for XP

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  • All Updates for XP

    Dear All,
    me just ponder over something and hope you could clarify me doubts.

    lets say, me have done with the sp1 for pirated XP using the key generator. Will me be able to update any other patches or update available from microsoft site without going another set of rituals.
    or will microsoft still check on the serial on all types of updates available and stops pirated XP!!!!

    me hope me have not confused any here.
    hope to hear soon

    Yes, Happy New Year 2003 to All You Greats Up Here.
    You deserve a thousand salutes....

    thanks & nice day

  • #2
    I don't know about your's but even with my legal copy I just grab all the updates from M$'s Download Center and save what I want to disk then burn them to a CD for installation. :devil win


    • #3
      Dear sir,
      thanks for the quick response. me know how to donwload for IE6 to a folder. But aren't sure how to do it for other patches or updates. would very much appreciate the how, do's and dont's.



      • #4
        Most of them once clicked on will ask if ya want to open or save them so just save them. I use a folder called updates to save them all to with a readme.txt that I make up in notepad (stored in the same folder) with the file name and a short description on what it's for. You'll only require those that date after SP1 though. ;)


        • #5

          Thousand Thanks again to you sir.


          • #6

            Yes, you should be able to download other patches without any problems, since the most diffcult part of Windows XP SP1 has already been fixed by your so called "key generator". I, myself also running pirated Windows XP, and until now I don't have any problem updating my Windows XP.

            Hope it works for you also. Is system specification taken into account when updating the OS? I don't think so, right?:D


            • #7

              Dear xavier_zen,
              Thank you...Have a Joyous New Year 2003.



              • #8
                Yes, same to you too. Happy New Year.

                P.S. I got an upcoming project for an online game. Interested to be part of it? If yes, I'll keep you updated.:thumb:


                • #9
                  M$ doesn't check on serials every time u download an update from its download center though the major updates like that of SP's and Q328310 etc. do have inbuilt product key checker.
                  don't worry abt M$ stopping its downloads till the next SP for XP as they aren't going to do it for all the small updates.
                  to be on the safe side always download the updates from the corporate site and burn them on CD's...u won't like to do all the painful stuff of downloading them again in case of a format and btw...happy 2003. :cheers:
                  Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
                  Last Updated:
                  10th MARCH

                  If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
                  icq : 203189004
                  jabber : [email protected]
                  Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
                  yabaa dabaa doo...
                  Customized for 1024x768


                  • #10

                    To xavier_zen,
                    me very sorry, me is not much into gamming. thanks for the offer.

                    To asklepios,
                    Thanks for kind idea, very much appreciated.


