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User Restriction

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  • User Restriction


    Can someone help please!
    I just installed another hdd in my computer which is using winxp pro but the computer is using with others. What i want to do is can i restrict each user that who can access the other hdd.

    let say only user with administrator status can access and browse E:\ and the user status can access c:\ only.

    Or is there any alternative way!?


  • #2
    One way of doing this is simple.... go to the drive properties of the drive u wish to set the permissions for...
    Click the sharing tab...
    there u may select the users u wish to grant access to that drive.... remove and add users and ur will....
    u can grant read, write and execute permissions seperately to each user...:afro: :afro: :afro: :afro:


    • #3
      wait wait wait i misread ur post.... so sry....
      to restrict certain users who use your computer from accessing the new drive do the following...
      1. go to the poperties of the drive
      2. click the security tab (im on 2k advanced server at the moment so it may be permissions or security tab)
      3. then at the top add or remove users and set their permissions in the box below...

      :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:


      • #4
        note: You must make sure u remove the "Everyone" entry and add your user name.. if u do not remove the everyone entry than any permissions u set i believe will be over-ridden...


        • #5
          Well I have a problem a bit related to howsday. I have somehow lost my security tab.
          Don't know how it disappeared. I had it in my first install but after installing SP1 its not there anymore. This is the first problem I have noticed after my install of SP1. May be its not cos of SP1 but something has done it.
          Any help...:?:
          Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
          Last Updated:
          10th MARCH

          If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
          icq : 203189004
          jabber : [email protected]
          Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
          yabaa dabaa doo...
          Customized for 1024x768

