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  • misunderstanding

    nvm i mention it.

  • #2
    Whether you have a legit or pirated version of Windows is not my concern, please don't discuss these issues on the forum. I'm sure there are a million other things about WinXP we can discuss here rather than just the serial key question.

    And I did answer your question by the way. Let's say "a friend" of yours changes his XP key - this doesn't make his computer any more or less susceptible to being "hacked". The XP key change simply changes the keys on pirated versions of XP, it doesn't make them open to being hacked as far as I know. I only wish it did, so people would then go and actually buy their OS!

    The best rule of thumb is: if you don't understand piracy or what programs do...Don't do it! And I'm not saying this to you in particular either, bongoloid :)
    My Machine


    • #3
      It's just that lately there have been to many illegal (and borderin' on so) threads and we can certainly do without them period so we'll just :hammer: them out as we find them so it would be very good if everyone who posts here to think twice about the legality of their posts before doin' so otherwise we just may come down hard. :devil win

      <center> </center>


      • #4
        Yes, as Wiggo says, think twice or we'll be forced to track you down and kill you I mean close the thread
        My Machine


        • #5
          Originally posted by PersianImmortal
          Yes, as Wiggo says, think twice or we'll be forced to track you down and kill you I mean close the thread
          Nice one PI...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
          But seriously guys...TT mod's are really getting mad abt this P thing...nice :thumb:
          Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
          Last Updated:
          10th MARCH

          If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
          icq : 203189004
          jabber : [email protected]
          Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
          yabaa dabaa doo...
          Customized for 1024x768


          • #6
            Yeah asklepios, it's not so much that we're saints or anything, we're just cracking down on it because, aside from the legal issues, it's so damn repetitive with people coming into the forum just to ask just one question, which is already answered in the past, and get quite aggressive expecting support for a product they didn't even pay for!

            I'm sure there are many, many issues which can be discussed on the Windows forum besides how to steal software.
            My Machine


            • #7
              I duno...I have an opinion on this piracy subject with microsoft.....I think they deserve it. I also think that eveyone should go and backup just one windows disk and pass it on to eveyone all over the world... lol one cd key for 9 million people. I mean windows is so crappy already. and it isint like bill gates is starving for money


              • #8
                Whether he and Microsoft "deserve it" or not is not an issue for me as a forum mod. I personally think stealing is stealing, whether you steal from the rich or the poor, it's a bad habit to get into and difficult to justify.

                As for this forum, as I said the reason for the thread closings is repitition and legality for the most part. I'm tired of seeing people create one thread just to ask a question that's been asked a million times before, just so they can pirate XP. Then on top of that, it's a highly dubious legal issue and I for one don't think TweakTown needs to go down that path - both for reputation and legal reasons.
                My Machine


                • #9
                  no problem


                  • #10
                    That's enough debate on the subject now so closed. :devil:

