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DMA -Settings not visible???

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  • DMA -Settings not visible???

    Hi! Do you think updating the BIOS would help to get the DMA settings visible? (not visible at the moment). I only have the "nVidia nForce IDE/ATAPI controller" visible, no PRIMARY and SECONDARY ide controllers. This is very weird thing and no one seems to know the solution for that.

    My hardware information below :confused: :confused:

  • #2


    • #3
      Just go to device manager and click the icon that has IDE next to it. Then go onto primary IDE and you should turn DMA on. You should turn on DMA on secondry as well.:devil:


      • #4
        ...I would be glad to do that, but my "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controller" only contains the "NVIDIA nForce IDE Controller", no Primary and Secondaty IDE Controllers. The "NVIDIA nForce IDE Controller" does not contain DMA -settings!!! :(


        • #5
          Well now i see your problem. Considering you system is relatively knew DMA should be enabled as standerd settings. Theres no reason to worry unless there is a problem with your hardware(i.e. slow hard drive):cheers:


          • #6


            • #7
              I see your problem. Have you tried contacting the manufatcurers??? Maybe they could help you as most computers i have come across have dma under the IDE section of device manager.:devil:


              • #8
                ok, mebbe a stupid question, but are you absolutely sure you've installed all your device drivers?!


                • #9
                  Not to me it don't. :laugh:


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      ok, if you built the pc yourself, you may need to only install (& connecting) one drive eg the cd-rom, then install all the drivers except the DVD driver and box. once this is working, try connecting up the dvd player, and then use the cd-rom player to load the device driver for the dvd player.
                      we had to do something similar when I got a CDRW installed in addition to the CDR. if you try and do both at the same time the setup gets confused, poor thing.


                      • #12
                        That sounds like a good idea. Also check that the cd and dvd drive are on the same ide cable.:devil: It might make a difference


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Sounds like you have the good old 3 in 1. Did you build your computer yourself. If you did install the seperate drivers for the 3 components rather than the 3 in 1. That might help as i have experienced some slow performance with the 3 in 1.:devil:


                            • #15
                              Did ya load the nForce and nVida USB drivers straight after the XP install? :?:

