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Packetloss and Ping Problems in Games.

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  • Packetloss and Ping Problems in Games.

    Hello, I run Windows XP Professional, and my machine is primarily a gaming machine. I run a Pentium 3 1.1ghz, 512ram (pc133) GeForce 4 MX 420 64mb video and im on DSL Internet.

    Anyway, after that....i have been having problems with my Gaming on my computer with my ping spikes, I was wondering if it might be something in windows XP causing this massive ping spikage (if thats even a word :D ) My task manager looks like this, just before i launch a game:

    As far as i know, that is what is required for my windows to run properly. If there are any certian settings i can play with, to fix this, it would be greatly appreciated.

    I know it is not my internet, im on ADSL internet ( speed test) and my connection speed and internet itself is fine. I run it through an ethernet adapter (not USB) through a router and to my wall.

    I have tweaked my internet a little bit, but it seems to not help.

    As i said before, if there are any settings i can change in windows (I have already turned off the automatic check for windows updates..i check manually, about every 3 days) If anything else you guys can think of can help me, i would appreciate it a lot.

    If this is not enough info for you,
    my AIM s/n is: PuNkEr2474LiFe
    yahoo id: fmabiohazard
    msn addy: [email protected]
    email: [email protected]

    Thanks in Advance.

  • #2
    as far as i know, i offer u to do completely virus scan before tweak.

    sometime, it is caused by virus.



    • #3
      I play starsiege tribes (1) on an external v.92 56k modem and when I get ping spikes too much I just reinstall my modem that usually will work, but in your case maybee you have programs conflicting with each other and that is the cause. It can even be that the game your playing has protocols that are incompatible or are conflicting with your router or adsl modem.

      Are you sure it isint the game servers are just crappy or have too many people on them? Try shutting down all of your programs in msconfig and then see what that does. I can go on and on with suggestion, but untill I know the exact system setup specification of your computer these are only gueses. Hope it helps.:thumb:


      • #4
        Well, ive done the msconfig thing, and its not just the server, but it seems to only happen in one game...or when i try to host a game (any game...when hosting).

        I installed XP SP1. but havent rebooted yet (my computer doesnt like to reboot...takes about 30min for it to boot back up...hardware stuff)

        I doubt that will fix my ping spike problem. But if you need any of my system specs, just message me personally, and i would be glad to give them to you if you can offer some assistance.

        my AIM s/n is: PuNkEr2474LiFe
        yahoo id: fmabiohazard
        msn addy: [email protected]

