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ARGHHH Stupid Windows Problem!!

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  • ARGHHH Stupid Windows Problem!!

    :mad: DAMN

    This seems like such a stupid question so i hope someone can help me out!

    My problem is that i have a software developer package for writing PLC programs, I usually write these programs at work on a laptop running win98, I then save these programs to a floppy. At the moment im under pressure to finish one so i have brought it home to finish on my home pc (running win xp pro), when i run the the developer software it should just load it up from my floppy, NOT SO!!, The software needs to take my program from the floppy and copy it into the "working" directory of the software for me to manipulate it with the software. however whenever i try to do this it tells me it cant as the "working directy is read only, every time i try to remove the read only tab from the folder/files menu it keeps rechecking itself!!

    Any advice appreciated!


  • #2
    How about booting to the command prompt, changing the attribute of the directory, then copying the file from the floppy to it. Remember to write down the path before you quit Windows (and the ~ key is next to the 1 key).

    By-the -way, I seem to remember a couple of these programs requiring a dongle attached to the computer before the app would work (that was a long time ago though).


    • #3
      Okay i can follow what your saying but my DOS skills are pathetic any chance you could type up a quick example showing me roughly how to do it!?!?!:laugh:

      Even just the key commands i need to use would help a lot



      • #4
        I seem to remember that when you boot to the command line you end up with a c prompt. If it comes up anything else (like c:\windows) just type (I am going to put the keystrokes inside of [ ] to keep this straight) [cd\ {enter} (I'll use {enter} to mean the "enter key"). You will then need the path to the directory. As an example, let's say it is c:\plcprog\working. You would then type [cd plcprog {enter}]. Then type [attrib -r /s {enter}]. The minus r will remove the read-only attribute and the /s will apply it to all subdirectories as well. Then type [copy a:\*.* c:\ plcprog\working {enter}]. That should copy all files on the floppy to the directory. You will of course have to use the proper directory names in the path. Remove the floppy and reboot normally. The directory's read-only attribute may reset when windows restarts, but I/m sure it can't reset before that. If you have a long directory name in windows, it will be truncated in dos. You can find the truncated names of files and directories directly below whatever directory you are in in DOS by typing [dir/w {enter}]. The truncated name is like a contraction but it uses a tilde (~) instead of an apostrephe. I also think DOS still gives you help for any command if you type the command name followed by a question mark and hit enter. Good luck.

