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XP Problem

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  • XP Problem

    Ok guys, ya'll ain't failed me yet. I am running XP Pro, and now my system tells me that windows installer is nowhere to be found!! Yep, i turned off system restore, so I am hosed. Any way to re-install installer??? Or do I have to re-install XP???
    Thanks in advance!!!!!
    :drool: :drool: :drool:

  • #2
    i don't understand that what could have possibly screwed your system to the extent that you have your windows installer deleted.
    anyways you can download it from A-Soft Technologies site.

    i would advise you to keep you system restore switched on. if you want you can set your own limits to the disk space it uses but it is always a good idea to have it on your system.
    Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
    Last Updated:
    10th MARCH

    If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
    icq : 203189004
    jabber : [email protected]
    Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
    yabaa dabaa doo...
    Customized for 1024x768


    • #3
      Thanks for the tip and the website! Went ahead and tried it , but it wont run it. sez........wrong os!!!???
      So I went to Microsoft's website, and they say since installer is part of XP you can't install or upgrade installer!!! ARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
      Any other ideas???? Thanks again!:wow:


      • #4
        try going to start>run and typing "SFC /Scannow" (without quotes). This will use the system file checker to replace/repair any missing system files from your original XP CD (which you should keep handy during this process).
        My Machine


        • #5
          Thought for the heck of it i would type in sfc too see what would happen and low and behold nothing ?? Typed it in again and nothing happened .Any ideas


          • #6
            just sfc won't work. you gotta add something after /SCANNOW
            Latest Microsoft Security Updates.
            Last Updated:
            10th MARCH

            If you are a security freak: Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (NT/2000/XP/2003)
            icq : 203189004
            jabber : [email protected]
            Linux user since: April 24, 2003 312478
            yabaa dabaa doo...
            Customized for 1024x768

