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Problem with IE v6 on Windows 98

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  • Problem with IE v6 on Windows 98

    When I type a website into the Address bar, it automatically puts it through the MSN search page, like when you mis-type a website address, but I know that the website I am trying to get to is up, and the search results will have it listed. Once I click on the link from the search page, it will open the site correctly, and any links sent to me through e-mail or IM will also link directly through the page. What's the deal? I've tried downloading and installing all the critical updates and such from Coming here was the last resort before just reloading Windows 98. Please help :)

  • #2
    Update to IE6 SP1 and see if the prob persists.


    • #3
      internet options
      select - Do not search from the Address bar

      just an alternative, not a fix
      tried repairing IE?
      The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


      • #4
        Ok, went through all the upgrading from the Microsoft Windows Update, so I'm not sure if SP1 was installed with that or not. I forgot to mention that this is not my computer, but my girlfriend's, who is 2 hours away, so i'm not 100% sure what has/has not been done. How do you repair IE? The only other thing I had that would work is just re-installing WIndows 98, that should fix it, right? Let me know what you guys think.


        • #5
          IE 6 did not ship with Windows 98.
          So that will not restore the functionality of IE 6.

          to repair IE;
          Control Panel
          Add/Remove Programs
          highlight the entry for "Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 SP1 and Internet Tools"
          click the Add/Remove button

          at this time you will get a dialouge box --- choose the option to Repair Internet Explorer

          basically, follow along from there
          If the files have been saved to the local drive, it will install from there
          If not, they will be downloaded and installed from your net connection.

          Best of Luck : peace2:
          The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


          • #6
            thanks a bunch Mr. C, hopefully that will work


            • #7
              I hope

              be advised, I have had to repair twice on occasion to get it right

              IE can be a real bear:eek:
              The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


              • #8
                Also Windows Update will have IE6 SP1 listed plus another security patch for it once IE6 SP1 is loaded (ya can never be to secure).

