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RAM limits

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  • RAM limits

    I don't know much about computers but I have heard that running more than 512 MEG of RAM on a Windows system causes problems with the OS. I am currently running Windows XP Pro with 512 MEG of RAM with a AMD 1700 processer but unfortunately a 128 MEG stick has failed on me and I would like to replace it with a 512 MEG stick. I know that it is possible to run over 512 MEG of RAM and was wondering if anybody can direct me to a site that can assist me or give me pointers on how to do this. Thanking everybody in advance.

  • #2
    WinXP can handle more memry than your motherboard, so you won't have any problems with large memory amounts. The OS you've been hearing of with the memory limits are the ones based on the Win9x kernel (Win95, Win98, WinME). These would act up with memory generally over 256MB but some could run 512 with few problems. WinXP uses the NT kernel and handles the memory just fine. I run 1GB in mine. :D
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    • #3
      I also have 1gig of RAM in my system as far as the second part of your question if you go to your MB manufacurer website or have the specs for the MB in front of you then you can see if it supports more than 512 of RAM. Some MBs also use proprietary hardware so you should also find out what brand of RAM your MB supports.


      • #4
        though darthtanion helped you slove ur problem but for a future whenever you want help in hardware related problems, it is always best to post the specs of your rig :cheers:
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        • #5
          it helps.


          • #6
            I got a question (or two).
            How much RAM do you recommend for Windows 98? (Without having problems).

            And can you tell me some kind (or examples) of errors or problems that may happen with more RAM that you recommend?



            • #7


              • #8
                Thank you.

                I will tell my friend the RAM limit of "her" Windows.

