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Help needed to choose a graphics card compatible with my 4CoreDual-SATA2 motherboard

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  • Help needed to choose a graphics card compatible with my 4CoreDual-SATA2 motherboard

  • #2
    Re: Help needed to choose a graphics card compatible with my 4CoreDual-SATA2 motherbo

    Did you watch the VGA Support List for this mainboard?
    ASRock > Products > 4CoreDual-SATA2 > VGA Support List
    Notice, that some of the listed models are only working with the latest BIOS.


    • #3
      Re: Help needed to choose a graphics card compatible with my 4CoreDual-SATA2 motherbo

      Thanks for reply, looking at the list of cards it looks like none are much of an improvement on the card i already have, am i right in thinking that the cards which i have listed would not work on my motherboard and only the ones listed will? I might have to save my pennys and get a higher spec computer lol.
      Im a bit of a novice so thanks for the help.


      • #4
        Re: Help needed to choose a graphics card compatible with my 4CoreDual-SATA2 motherbo

        Latest BIOS update was from 9/29/2009.
        The 9800 GT is included in the list and should work properly.


        • #5
          Re: Help needed to choose a graphics card compatible with my 4CoreDual-SATA2 motherbo

          Cheers eddi, you have been a great help, just one more thing, lol, where can i find my latest bios and how do i install it ;-)
          Cheers stephen.


          • #6
            Re: Help needed to choose a graphics card compatible with my 4CoreDual-SATA2 motherbo

            If your board really is the Asrock 4CoreDual-SATA2, then you will find the latest BIOS here:
            ASRock > Products > Motherboard > 4CoreDual-SATA2 > Download
            It is the 2.20 version.
            Take the Windows flash version (second from the top of the list) and read the "How to update" by clicking the red cross.


            • #7
              Re: Help needed to choose a graphics card compatible with my 4CoreDual-SATA2 motherbo

              Cheers eddi, can`t thankyou enough, bios updated just have to choose my graphics card now, will order one on thursday and i will let you know how i get on installing it.
              Thanks again, steve

