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AsRock Motherboard G31M-S R2.0 Ethernet Adapter Issue

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  • AsRock Motherboard G31M-S R2.0 Ethernet Adapter Issue

    Hello everyone,

    Currently I am having an issue with my 1 month old motherboard from ASRock, it s a G31M-S R2.0. My issue is that after installation of the motherboard, give a good solid week, i started I noticing that at random times my internet would go down, now I always thought i was due to my Internet modem and not the hardware of the motherboard itself, and so I would restart my computer and it would work again. After a solid three weeks of this; something new happened today. This time when my computer loads up, it says "local area network unplugged" so i tried different cables connecting them straight to my Router and to my computer, and no connection was received unless I hooked it up to this one Port. For some reason theres this "Opt" port on my router that if I connect my cable to it and then to my PC, I get some form of noticable change although my connectivity is limited.

    My issue is that when I connect my internet cable to any other port for LAN to my computer, nothing shows up. I looked at the back where the Ethernet Port is, and I notice that there is no LED lights turning on at all when connected to any port UNLESS its connected to the router's "Out" Port, so im stumped whether what kind of issue is this? I have also reinstalled the LAN Driver for my ASRock but to no avail. Any help as soon as possible would be very much apperciated! I am currently running a Intel Dual Core 2.7 ghz,2 Gigs of Ram, a NVIDIA 8400 GS graphics card with my OS being windows XP SP2.
    Last edited by Lulz911; 08-06-2011, 02:50 PM.

  • #2
    Re: AsRock Motherboard G31M-S R2.0 Ethernet Adapter Issue

    Same here.. I'm also experiencing the same thing.. But I noticed something else, my lan connection gets unplugged whenever the computer is idle. If you use your connection frequently it doesn't disconnect at all.. We really need help on this.. Can't continue downloading torrents because of this problem..


    • #3
      Re: AsRock Motherboard G31M-S R2.0 Ethernet Adapter Issue

      Found the fix, it comes with the latest update for the motherboard, so, if you bought it and installed it out of the box and haven't updated it since September go back to their website and download/install their latest patch and the problem will disappear. Least thats my experience.

