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    So I just got my new build... ermmm.... built, and I've run into a problem. My computer is now booting to a blank screen. Not even a white cursos I had finished installing most of the updates from Microsoft, and had just downloaded and updated the latest BIOS version for my motherboard. The computer restarted after I did the BIOS update and it only shows a blank screen. I'm on a Z68 Fatal1ty Professional Gen3 motherboard with a 2500k processor. It's not making any beeping noises, and the motherboard isn't showing any errors (00 on the digital display). Tried resetting the CMOS, but that didn't work. Also, it seems two fan headers aren't working, one of them been the CPU fan header. Any thoughts on what I should do or what is causing the problem? I've rebuilt the thing from scratch a couple of times just to see if that would fix it. No such luck.
    Last edited by chefman21; 04-08-2012, 09:49 AM.