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H77 Pro4/MVP USB power on after PC shutdown - HELP

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  • H77 Pro4/MVP USB power on after PC shutdown - HELP

    I'm having a bit of an issue over here - even when i shut down the PC, the motherboard /Asrock H77 Pro4/MVP/ "leaks" power to the USB ports, ergo - my keyboard, being one with a blue ON LED, lights up the whole room /presuming that it's night time and i don't want any lights whatsoever.../.
    If someone could help me, it would be great! It's not really a performance issue, but its irritating and its bugging me.

    P.S. BIOS version => P1.20
    CPU => Core i5 3450
    PSU => Seasonic Bronze S12 520W

    If you need more info, please - ask!.

  • #2
    Re: H77 Pro4/MVP USB power on after PC shutdown - RESOLVED

    Problem - resolved. I finally received the long awaited help from Asrock support.
    This was the "On/Off Play" feature in the BIOS South Bridge configuration panel.

    What i did:
    1. Disable "On/Off Play"
    2. Enable "Deep Sleep" /it was already enabled/
    3. Save & Exit

    Hope it helps someone else too!

