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Missing XMP profiles and DRAM frequency option 1866 after Bios flash(P67 Extreme4 Gen3)

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  • Missing XMP profiles and DRAM frequency option 1866 after Bios flash(P67 Extreme4 Gen3)

    Hello, I just recently updated to P2.10 and I do not have the XMP profiles on the OC tweaker screen or DRAM frequency option 1866. I uploaded some screenshots here Asrock P67 Extreme4 Gen3 Bios - Imgur. My ram is supported, its G Skill F3-14900CL9D-8GBXL ( DDR3-1866 CL9-10-9-28 1.5V )

    My friend who has the same cpu, ram, and board, doesn't have this problem. He sent me some screenshots for reference

    Has anybody else have this problem, if so what caused this and how do I resolve it?

    Thank you.
    Last edited by ray954; 01-13-2013, 01:19 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Missing XMP profiles and DRAM frequency option 1866 after Bios flash(P67 Extreme4 Gen3)

    I recently updated to 2.1 also , not for any particular recently I mean back in november.
    Aside from problems some seem to have had going to 2.2 and 2.3 direct on later than p67 boards.

    How did you flash it..was it the same method as your friend? did you load up the new apps?axtu etx Dd you use the app download bios and follow the instructions for the gen 3 bios?
    You also seem to have lost the 2133 option.

    Check this thread:

    Did you do anything other than install the new bios? .I mean physically clean the pc take something memory sticks
    Is everything else working properly except the memory.
    Did you have the pc overclocked before?
    Did you have a higher vtt set on the previous bios ,for a lil memory overclockin?
    Did you set the previous bios back to default first before you flashed(allways a good idea).
    load cpuid in windows and see if it detects the xmp's

    2 options that I can see,if you didnt do anything physical.. like pull out the memory sticks.
    1.Set your bios to the way it was before you flashed.I mean use whatever settings you had before..set everything like cpu speed any voltage changes you made,even put in the memory timings manually;;yeh I know you cant change the speed ,but perhaps the speeds will come back if you jolt the uefi...
    You could even try the jedec timings for 1300 that cpuid will show you ,or the standard 9-9-9-24 for 1300 and leave the rest on auto.
    Put in whatever voltage you had for memory before too.

    Do some other playing around with bios settings and see if the read speed options come back..

    2.If none of that works,accept that perhaps the flashing wasnt quite correct.
    Reset bios /uefi to defaults,just so long as you can read the usb Reflash but dont take out the usb stick until everything is complete and and all the apps are loaded after you repost.
    Load whatever apps will load from the bios package once you get back into windows,such as the new axtu etc.

    Only other thing I can think of is maybe try just one memory stick in the board and see if it will detect that ok.

    No I havent had the problem..,but I do hope my new gskill sticks(1600 8-8-8-24) ,bought for whatever perf inc they can give will be detected ok on 2.1!..I still have my 1866 and 2133 options now tho.
    Last edited by kick; 01-14-2013, 12:46 PM.
    Current Systems:

    Asrock p67 Extreme6.............. Gigabyte EP-45 UD3 ...................... Gigabyte 73 PVM S2
    Intel i5 2500k 4.8ghz................ Intel Q8400 3.8ghz......................... Intel D820 2.8ghz
    Zalman 10x cooler.................... Coolermaster V8............................ HP cooler
    8GB Gskill ripjaw ddr3.............. 4GB Gskill PI ddr2.......................... 4GB samsung ddr2
    60GB ssd/500GB HDD .............. WD 1TB hdd.................................... Seagate 160GB hdd
    GTX 460 1GB x2 SLI ................. Msi 9600GT 512MB(died) ........... Onboard gx
    Win7 64 ,750w psu(ocz)............ Win7 64 ,520w psu,seasonic...... Win XP pro ,400w psu

    HEC 6A34 case . ....................... Jeantec R2 case............................ Packard Bell case

    hoping to upgrade to


    • #3
      Re: Missing XMP profiles and DRAM frequency option 1866 after Bios flash(P67 Extreme4 Gen3)

      Originally posted by kick View Post
      I recently updated to 2.1 also , not for any particular recently I mean back in november.
      Aside from problems some seem to have had going to 2.2 and 2.3 direct on later than p67 boards.

      How did you flash it..was it the same method as your friend? did you load up the new apps?axtu etx Dd you use the app download bios and follow the instructions for the gen 3 bios?
      You also seem to have lost the 2133 option.
      Yes I do not have the 2133 option as well. Well, I flashed it at first running Asrock's window's utility. I know, flashing with the bios's instant flash is ideal, but Asrock does not have the any flash file available on their bios download site for my board. I'm sorry but what do you mean by "app download bios"? I didn't use any app to download it, if that's what you mean.

      Originally posted by kick View Post
      Did you do anything other than install the new bios? .I mean physically clean the pc take something memory sticks
      Is everything else working properly except the memory.
      Did you have the pc overclocked before?
      Did you have a higher vtt set on the previous bios ,for a lil memory overclockin?
      Did you set the previous bios back to default first before you flashed(allways a good idea).
      load cpuid in windows and see if it detects the xmp's
      No I didn't remove the ram untill I discovered the problem. After reflashing and clearing the CMOS by removing the battery, I switched my ram from slots A2 & B2 to A1 & B1. Still only gives me 2 dram options. I then tried to use only 1 ram stick and it doesn't give me the full frequency list.

      Everything is working just fine except the memory, I never overclocked my cpu even though I have a heatsink that would allow.
      The only settings I changed were Advanced Storage settings. I changed it from default IDE to AHCI. Other than that I only changed my DRAM frequency to 1866, and modified the timings to what is printed on my ram label. 9-10-9-28. I never changed my ram voltage because it was 1.50 default.

      I did not reset bios to default before I flashed.

      I'm not sure where in CPU-Z that was, the only thing that showed me XMP under memory does show timings for 1866, here is a snapshot of both slots CPUID Ram - Imgur

      Originally posted by kick View Post
      Do some other playing around with bios settings and see if the read speed options come back..
      I did play around with most settings and unfortunately nothing came back.

      Originally posted by kick View Post
      Reset bios /uefi to defaults,just so long as you can read the usb Reflash but dont take out the usb stick until everything is complete and and all the apps are loaded after you repost.
      Load whatever apps will load from the bios package once you get back into windows,such as the new axtu etc.
      I did reflash, but with the newest version 2.20 and still have the same problem. My buddy was able to find a 2.1 .10 flash file for me so I can do the instant flash way as opposed to the windows utility. I don't understand why Asrock does not have these available under the bios download page in the first place. But alas, even using instant flash to go back to 2.1 didn't work. I never used axtu. When I built the system a little over a year ago, I did all my tinkering in BIOS.


      • #4
        Re: Missing XMP profiles and DRAM frequency option 1866 after Bios flash(P67 Extreme4 Gen3)

        You seem to have gone thru most of the options.
        There is only the one download option available on site?

        All I can think of,since it was originally installed via windows is(unless you did it this way already).

        Download the application to a usb atick in a usb2 slot, just like you would have if it had been in instaflash form.

        remove any copies of the 2.10 bios you already have stored,anywhere and the utils that are expanded once you run the app.

        Then try and reinstall/reflash from windows,using the usb stick only(with standard settingsthat you would normally use for windows..xfast usb loaded or not I dont know which would be best.

        What I mean is dload the app directly to your usb stick root and work only from that once youre in windows.

        Maybe thats what you did already :(.
        I cant think of anything else. except a new bios chip..ptooie.
        Current Systems:

        Asrock p67 Extreme6.............. Gigabyte EP-45 UD3 ...................... Gigabyte 73 PVM S2
        Intel i5 2500k 4.8ghz................ Intel Q8400 3.8ghz......................... Intel D820 2.8ghz
        Zalman 10x cooler.................... Coolermaster V8............................ HP cooler
        8GB Gskill ripjaw ddr3.............. 4GB Gskill PI ddr2.......................... 4GB samsung ddr2
        60GB ssd/500GB HDD .............. WD 1TB hdd.................................... Seagate 160GB hdd
        GTX 460 1GB x2 SLI ................. Msi 9600GT 512MB(died) ........... Onboard gx
        Win7 64 ,750w psu(ocz)............ Win7 64 ,520w psu,seasonic...... Win XP pro ,400w psu

        HEC 6A34 case . ....................... Jeantec R2 case............................ Packard Bell case

        hoping to upgrade to


        • #5
          Re: Missing XMP profiles and DRAM frequency option 1866 after Bios flash(P67 Extreme4 Gen3)

          Originally posted by kick View Post
          I cant think of anything else. except a new bios chip..ptooie.
          Yeah, it looks like I'm going to have to wait until Asrock's "support" team answers my ticket and email. I honestly think I might need a new 8 pin bios chip. The issue is not a major problem in terms of using the pc for gaming, but in the future being able to save XMP profiles and getting the correct settings for my ram are important. I do appreciate your time though. Take care.


          • #6
            Re: Missing XMP profiles and DRAM frequency option 1866 after Bios flash(P67 Extreme4 Gen3)

            Something in those pics seems fishy.

            On the friends pic hwSLf.png, he's showing "Primary Plane Current Limit" whereas yours(middle pic of three) isn't.

            Maybe kick has and idea as to why the diff is presented. A setting that toggles more options?

            That said, I'll take my leave from here. This is an Intel discussion and being an AMD guy I have absolutely no business even discussing this
            #1 - Please, when seeking help, enter the make and model of ALL parts that your system is comprised of in your Signature, or at least the model #'s in your System Specs, then "Save' it.
            ____If you are overclocking, underclocking, or undervolting any parts, informing us of this and their values would prove beneficial in helping you.

            #2 - Consider your PSU to be the foundation from which all else is built upon. Anything built upon a weak foundation is poorly built.


            • #7
              Re: Missing XMP profiles and DRAM frequency option 1866 after Bios flash(P67 Extreme4 Gen3)

              I was contacted by Asrock's technical support with troubleshooting steps I already did and acknowledged in my escalated ticket I provided to them. Eventually the tech advised me I should change out the BIOS chip, fair enough.

              I get contacted by a Customer Service rep who requested to see the invoice of my motherboard. I provided the information she required. She then proceeds to tell me to send a check or money order in the amount of $15 per chip for my replacement. My board is still under manufacturer's warranty as I explained and this should be at no cost to me. She replies with

              "That is absolute horse crap. So are they really expecting me to request an updated bios chip everytime one gets released? I used their crappy windows utility that they created. I didn't use a 3rd party application to do this. I know it states that they assume no responsibility for improper flashing on their downloads page but this was far from improper. I shouldn't have to pay a single cent because their update didn't take properly to my chip. This is completely on them. I requested that a supervisor contact me immediately and that request was ignored.

              So I just filed a consumer fraud complaint with the state of New York against this clown college of a company. I know it's only $15, but just imagine if everybody had to pay $15 to update their bios if something went wrong. This should not be tolerated. Thanks ASRock, you lost a customer for life.


              • #8
                Re: Missing XMP profiles and DRAM frequency option 1866 after Bios flash(P67 Extreme4 Gen3)

                Originally posted by ray954 View Post
                I know it states that they assume no responsibility for improper flashing on their downloads page but this was far from improper. I shouldn't have to pay a single cent because their update didn't take properly to my chip. This is completely on them. I requested that a supervisor contact me immediately and that request was ignored.

                So I just filed a consumer fraud complaint with the state of New York against this clown college of a company. I know it's only $15, but just imagine if everybody had to pay $15 to update their bios if something went wrong. This should not be tolerated. Thanks ASRock, you lost a customer for life.

                How do they know you flashed it properly? Although I sympathize with your situation, the disclaimer is quite clear. I doubt you will get far with a fraud complaint.

                Please read below information before download or update BIOS


                • #9
                  Re: Missing XMP profiles and DRAM frequency option 1866 after Bios flash(P67 Extreme4 Gen3)

                  That sounds like a new policy, and I bet I know why. This is the typical Sandy Bridge Board + Sandy Bridge CPU + Ivy Bridge BIOS issue, with the corrupted BIOS options, as noted by wardog. Did you follow the special procedure for the 2.10 update:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	UEFI Update Warning.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	12.5 KB
ID:	753481

                  But wait, you can't! You only have the Windows BIOS update program available, yet the same message used with the Instant Flash update method, using a USB flash drive, is displayed when you attempt to start the Windows BIOS update program download. Is the Windows BIOS update program capable of doing what it takes Instant Flash to do with an added reboot? Worked for you friend apparently. Regardless, a mess of incompatible instructions.

                  Back to the policy. So many users have corrupted their BIOS chips with the type of update I listed above, and ASR has sent out so many free BIOS chips in the recent past, they now seemingly decided to have you pay for it. I know why they are doing this ($) but if they explained things better, this would not happen as frequently. They have sent them out free in the past, but not anymore it seems.

                  Don't hold your breath with the fraud complaint, for example, ASUS has many "unanswered" Better Business Bureau complaints against them in who knows how many states, with no affect I can see.


                  • #10
                    Re: Missing XMP profiles and DRAM frequency option 1866 after Bios flash(P67 Extreme4 Gen3)

                    Originally posted by parsec View Post
                    That sounds like a new policy, and I bet I know why.
                    They have had that disclaimer on the bios download page for years. So has almost every other brand of motherboard I have used.


                    • #11
                      Re: Missing XMP profiles and DRAM frequency option 1866 after Bios flash(P67 Extreme4 Gen3)

                      Anyone up for being a guinea pig and testing?

                      So, with some time on my hands due to the Wife not barking orders, curios as I am I decide to foist some shenanigans upon a host of ASRocks file servers and looky what I discovered.

                      Low and behold what gets returned, P67 Extreme4 Gen3(2.10), which I believe to be an Instant Flash revision 2.10 BIOS for this P67 Extreme4 Gen3 board.

                      Caveat Utilitor. You, the end user here, accept full responsibility should you proceed in using/flashing the below linked file(s).

             - Asia Server
             - Europe Server
             Ex...3(2.10) - USA Server
             Extrem...3(2.10) - China Server
                      #1 - Please, when seeking help, enter the make and model of ALL parts that your system is comprised of in your Signature, or at least the model #'s in your System Specs, then "Save' it.
                      ____If you are overclocking, underclocking, or undervolting any parts, informing us of this and their values would prove beneficial in helping you.

                      #2 - Consider your PSU to be the foundation from which all else is built upon. Anything built upon a weak foundation is poorly built.


                      • #12
                        Re: Missing XMP profiles and DRAM frequency option 1866 after Bios flash(P67 Extreme4 Gen3)

                        Originally posted by WilliamM2 View Post
                        They have had that disclaimer on the bios download page for years. So has almost every other brand of motherboard I have used.
                        The new policy I am referring to is that they now charge for the new BIOS chip in these situations. This issue has many threads in this forum, and others have received free chips, AFAIK.


                        • #13
                          Re: Missing XMP profiles and DRAM frequency option 1866 after Bios flash(P67 Extreme4 Gen3)

                          Originally posted by - wardog - View Post
                          Anyone up for being a guinea pig and testing?

                          So, with some time on my hands due to the Wife not barking orders, curios as I am I decide to foist some shenanigans upon a host of ASRocks file servers and looky what I discovered.

                          Low and behold what gets returned, P67 Extreme4 Gen3(2.10), which I believe to be an Instant Flash revision 2.10 BIOS for this P67 Extreme4 Gen3 board.

                          Caveat Utilitor. You, the end user here, accept full responsibility should you proceed in using/flashing the below linked file(s).

                 - Asia Server
                 - Europe Server
                 Ex...3(2.10) - USA Server
                 Extrem...3(2.10) - China Server
                          Nice find, I looked at the unzipped file (slow server), and it has the file name format for an Instant Flash BIOS file.

                          ALL of the warnings above ARE STILL VALID, nothing has changed in that regard.

                          Those that want to try reflashing their BIOS to 2.10, should do the following:

                          Unzip the P67 Extreme4 Gen3(2.10) file, and copy the resulting "10" file to the main/root folder of a USB flash drive. The file should be P67E4G32.10, and is 8192 KB. Put the USB flash drive in a USB 2.0 port on the board's I/O panel, to insure you have a working USB port when you are in the BIOS.

                          Restart or start the PC, and go into the UEFI/BIOS. You can press F6 during POST to start Instant Flash too, but I like the UEFI method. Instant Flash is in the Advanced options listing, at the bottom. When you start it, the USB flash drive will be read, and any valid BIOS files it finds will be displayed. There are no confirmation prompts at all, once you click something, it does it so be careful.

                          As has been reviewed earlier in this thread, leave the USB flash drive in the PC when it reboots when Instant Flash is complete. Really no reason to remove the Flash drive, except that it will likely be first in the boot list, which can be fixed after a second restart.

                          It's possible this update will be rejected as an "older" version, relative to what you have now. I hope not, just FYI.

                          Hey, guess what, the instructions for performing the BIOS update in Windows has been fixed on this boards page. Might want to look at that to see if you missed anything the first time you used it.

