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asrock z77 extreme4 bios update wiped out my raid 5

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  • asrock z77 extreme4 bios update wiped out my raid 5

    i updated to the 2.7 bios, and it reset my sata mode from raid to ahci (without me knowing it). when i booted into windows, my main raid 5 data drive was missing 2 of the 3 drives. this raid set has ALL of my media on it. i have been noodling around with a utility called testkisk, but so far no luck. it sees my raid 5 partition, but it cant read the data. PLEASE, ANYONE, HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

    From some posts that i have read, i should delete the arrary in the intel bios utility, then recreate it using the exact same settings and naming. then try to run the testdisk utility. has anyone had success doing this??
    thank you.

  • #2
    re: asrock z77 extreme4 bios update wiped out my raid 5

    Ive been in a similar situation with RAID. I updated my servers M/B with a new BIOS which reset all the setting on the controller back to default. Basically switch the controller back into RAID mode then go into the BIOS RAID setup screen. Most the time you will find the Array disabled (not deleted) which you will then need to active it agian.. However you may need to setup the array completely. Name, HDDs, RAID type. As long as you setup the RAID exactly they way it was all you data should be there. Just for the love of god dont format any of the drives.


    • #3
      re: asrock z77 extreme4 bios update wiped out my raid 5

      First off, thank you very much for the reply.
      When I did go back into the RAID bios, only one of the three drives was still listed as a member of the array. the other two where listed as non-member disks. So from what you are saying, i should delete the array, then recreate it using the same parameters, reboot and all is well? Or will i still need to use a utility like TestDisk to recover the partition? I haven't formatted the drives yet, so hopefully the data is still in tact.
      Once again, thanks!


      • #4
        Re: asrock z77 extreme4 bios update wiped out my raid 5

        If the other drives arnt listed, delete the array and then add all 3 drives. Again make sure the volume/lable is the same as the old one and its the same RAID type. If the setup asks for anything like format say no. Save the array and boot to windows. Windows should detect the array. If its still intact you'll get an popup window (like when you insert a DVD) about browsing the files. If it doesnt and the Drive hasnt been assinged a driver Letter it means the partion is damaged, so get your partiton recovery software ready. Still at this point dont format the drive to access it.


        • #5
          Re: asrock z77 extreme4 bios update wiped out my raid 5

          Originally posted by youngmcse View Post
          i updated to the 2.7 bios, and it reset my sata mode from raid to ahci (without me knowing it).
          That is standard stuff, AHCI is the default value, not RAID. BIOS updates change things to default values, just like clearing the CMOS. If you use RAID, you know that a BIOS update will wipe your SATA mode setting, that is RAID 101, BIOS update = fix RAID setting.

          Can't you start the Intel IRST UI in Windows, and see what the status is of that volume, and if any repair options are available?


          • #6
            Re: asrock z77 extreme4 bios update wiped out my raid 5

            RAID 101?? I've been in this business for over 15 years, and have never seen a BIOS update reset all of the settings back to their defaults.
            I fixed the issue by recreating the raid set in the bios, then using the TestDisk utility to find and rewrite the missing partition.

