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Asrock 970 Pro3 2.0 bsods and freezing

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  • Asrock 970 Pro3 2.0 bsods and freezing

    I have similar problems to this thread here

    Asrock 970 Pro3 2.0 latest bios on asrock site
    Kingston KVR13N9S8K2/8G 2x4gb ram
    FX-6300 6 Core AMD with stock cooler
    Saphire HD7790 2GB OC edition
    120 GB Corsair Vengence SSD
    1 TB WD Blue HDD
    CD/dvd drive
    650 Watt gaming Modular OCZ PSU

    The first mb I got had to be rma as it did not beep or post. A new mb was sent.
    Since then I've tried to install windows on a few occasions. SSD only installed on system and also HDD only. Each time I have been able to get windows opperational but had BSOD before all windows updates are complete and continuing BSODs intermittently afterwards. At this stage BSOD was code 101. All components were shifted to another case and reinstalled windows but same result. I did some reading that sugested that code 101 was overheating cpu so I went as far as to clean off the thermal paste from the cpu and reapply which seem to help for about a day but other BSODS became pressant (code 1e and code 50). I am unable to go to or play league of legends because of failed IE certificates. Ram tests are fine. I'm not sure if it's a hardware or windows problem tbh but guess its hardware as the BSOD start before windows is finished all updates.

    The BSOD codes are 101,1e and 50 but only once for this code. I am unable to instal windows debug tool to see the minidumps as the installation fails and I dont know why.

    Some help here would be greatly appreciated as it was supposed to be my sons xmas pressant. He has it but at this point it's just an expensive boat anchor.

  • #2
    Re: Asrock 970 Pro3 2.0 bsods and freezing

    Just an update even though no one is posting..
    My son was desperate to play his games (they could be likened to a drug addiction i recon) so he found a work around for IE certificates. It's not ideal but he doesn't live with me so I have very little control over what he does.
    The BSODS seem to have lessened after disabling amd turbo and auto overclocking in bios. Haven't had another since actually.

    My question now is: was it the 4+1 power phase of the mb, week power supply or something else causing the BSODS?
    Till I can prise it out of his hands for 5 minutes for testing I can only guess.


    • #3
      Re: Asrock 970 Pro3 2.0 bsods and freezing

      From where I sit here and only knowing what you've posted, I'd lean towards the IMHO weak 4+1 power section as the culprit.

      101's are usually related to vCore, while memory voltages too to a smaller extent. Which, now that I read what I just typed does rather point to 4+1, 4 being the vCore and the +1 being memory voltage.

      Are you using the latest BIOS revision? All drivers updated to current? And by current I'm not referring to what's available from the motherboards download pages but instead from the/each device manufacturers download pages.
      #1 - Please, when seeking help, enter the make and model of ALL parts that your system is comprised of in your Signature, or at least the model #'s in your System Specs, then "Save' it.
      ____If you are overclocking, underclocking, or undervolting any parts, informing us of this and their values would prove beneficial in helping you.

      #2 - Consider your PSU to be the foundation from which all else is built upon. Anything built upon a weak foundation is poorly built.


      • #4
        Re: Asrock 970 Pro3 2.0 bsods and freezing

        From THIS post in another thread:
        Originally posted by hsp25 View Post
        @ wordog I used the psu calk you linked. It sugests Minimum PSU Wattage: 296 W, Recommended PSU Wattage: 346w. I planed to try a brand new Corsair CX500M 500W Builder Series 80 Plus Bronze as the op is using because I have it here as a spare but it seems it simply wouldn't cut it.
        You could try it I suppose. No harm in trying. That is if you can pry it from your sons hands long enough :)

        OCZ and 650w, w/o knowing the specifics or how old it is I'd say knowing OCZ quality it probably "cuts' it for this build. But again, if you can get it away from your son for long enough go for it and give it a try.

        While you're at it, jury rig a fan to blow over the VRM section and see if attempting to cool it makes a difference.

        CPU temps. That machined block of aluminum AMD calls a heatsink that came with your 6300 isn't the most capable of heatsinks. Heh, far from it. Does the case have good air circulation? I certainly wouldn't OC with the 6300's stock heatsink, and if the case lacks good air circulation, well, that may be compounding tour problem.

        But, it appears a vicious circle is maybe raising its head here. If on the off chance you were to find stability by raising the vCore, higer temps of both the VRMs and CPU come back to bite you.
        #1 - Please, when seeking help, enter the make and model of ALL parts that your system is comprised of in your Signature, or at least the model #'s in your System Specs, then "Save' it.
        ____If you are overclocking, underclocking, or undervolting any parts, informing us of this and their values would prove beneficial in helping you.

        #2 - Consider your PSU to be the foundation from which all else is built upon. Anything built upon a weak foundation is poorly built.


        • #5
          Re: Asrock 970 Pro3 2.0 bsods and freezing

          Yeah only whats available from the mb page appart from catalyst which is the latest suitable from amd. I think the LAN drivers are not quiet right but have no idea wear to get the manufactures one. Searching for drivers often only points to 2 bit driver medic type programs and not what you really need. Strangely BSODS were more frequent at idle or using the net than at high load.

          You'll have to forgive me a bit. I normally use high end boards that just about build themselves like ROG and ud7 but I've been a bit tight on this one.


          • #6
            Re: Asrock 970 Pro3 2.0 bsods and freezing

            RAFL Less chance at this point. He's got a firm grip now it aint BSOD every few hours. I'll have to sabotage it somehow although at 15 that will be a challenge in itself.

            I did try to get him to do a fan thing last week but apparently he doesn't have anything to use for it.


            • #7
              Re: Asrock 970 Pro3 2.0 bsods and freezing

              Originally posted by hsp25 View Post
              I'll have to sabotage it somehow although at 15 that will be a challenge in itself.
              My turn to RAFL. Technology in our days was a Radio Flyer wagon and Mr Potato Head. You might have gone a bit more upscale on the MB since the 970 wasn't intended to support the FX's but it isn't cheap raising a kid nowadays. And it's running now so that's ALL he's concerned with ATM. Games. And then maybe, time permitting, school work. Heaven help us.

              The latest Realtek 8111E Lan drivers can be had HERE.
              #1 - Please, when seeking help, enter the make and model of ALL parts that your system is comprised of in your Signature, or at least the model #'s in your System Specs, then "Save' it.
              ____If you are overclocking, underclocking, or undervolting any parts, informing us of this and their values would prove beneficial in helping you.

              #2 - Consider your PSU to be the foundation from which all else is built upon. Anything built upon a weak foundation is poorly built.


              • #8
                Re: Asrock 970 Pro3 2.0 bsods and freezing

                Ahh yes good old Mr potato head. I had one of them.
                Got to agree with you totally about that cheap block of aluminum AMD calls a heatsink. I'm sure my phenom 1090t stock cooler has a copper base and heat pipes. Guess it's all about cheap these days rather than functionality :(
                It ran all last night without a crash but in a cold house. This arvo it crashed twice with light internet use only (just skype) so I've got to get him to rig a fan to blow over the VRM to see the effect. If that works I'll go all agricultural on the case with a drill press and put a high flow 140mm fan in the side panel over the area. The case does already have a side fan but I'd bet it sucks and is doing more for the gpu than anything else, plus it's 80mm and spins slow

                Thanks for the link and input into the problem. It's greatly appreciated


                • #9
                  Re: Asrock 970 Pro3 2.0 bsods and freezing

                  I do have another 2 questions. Just to push the envelope and the poor mb a bit more.
                  The mb specs say: Expansion / Connectivity
                  Slots - 2 x PCI Express 2.0 x16 slots (PCIE2: x16 mode; PCIE3: x4 mode)
                  - 1 x PCI Express 2.0 x1 slot
                  - 2 x PCI slots
                  - Supports AMD Quad CrossFireX™ and CrossFireX™

                  So can he use the pcie x1 slot for a wifi card and the pcie x16 for the gpu without effecting gpu performance? Also will this put more stress on the 4+1 power phase causing more issues?


                  • #10
                    Re: Asrock 970 Pro3 2.0 bsods and freezing

                    Assuming compatibility and space for it yea the WiFi should work in PCIE1 .

                    Looking in the manual, so long as the vid card is in PCIE2 it should run at x16. The PCIE3 slot, while it is x16 in length, is actually x4 electrically.

                    No, no added stress. The VRM's draw their power from the 8pin ATX12V1 connector located in the upper left of the motherboard.
                    #1 - Please, when seeking help, enter the make and model of ALL parts that your system is comprised of in your Signature, or at least the model #'s in your System Specs, then "Save' it.
                    ____If you are overclocking, underclocking, or undervolting any parts, informing us of this and their values would prove beneficial in helping you.

                    #2 - Consider your PSU to be the foundation from which all else is built upon. Anything built upon a weak foundation is poorly built.


                    • #11
                      Re: Asrock 970 Pro3 2.0 bsods and freezing

                      Looks like I get it back allot sooner than I thought. Windows has crashed and can not recover itself. Somehow I am to blame for it. TBH I just feel like going out and buying a
                      Ga-990FXA-UD3, scrubbing both drives and doing a fresh install as the Asrock just isn't working out. It gets real hot here (45+ all week) so I'm thinking a fan isn't gunna cut it anyway


                      • #12
                        Re: Asrock 970 Pro3 2.0 bsods and freezing

                        If you do go for that UD3 look for one that's a rev4.0 board. The rev3.0 boards seem to have more than its fair share of problems.

                        Is the ASRock 990FX Extreme4 available down there and priced somewhat comparable to the UD3? They're normally priced comparatively here and my experiences with the Extreme4 has been great. That, plus it has a small fan included in the box that can be mounted to cool the VRMs if needed in that hot weather of yours.

                        Whatever you get, do yourselves a big favor and get a 990FX board with better than 4+1 for that 6300.
                        #1 - Please, when seeking help, enter the make and model of ALL parts that your system is comprised of in your Signature, or at least the model #'s in your System Specs, then "Save' it.
                        ____If you are overclocking, underclocking, or undervolting any parts, informing us of this and their values would prove beneficial in helping you.

                        #2 - Consider your PSU to be the foundation from which all else is built upon. Anything built upon a weak foundation is poorly built.


                        • #13
                          Re: Asrock 970 Pro3 2.0 bsods and freezing

                          Originally posted by hsp25 View Post
                          Somehow I am to blame for it.
                          Rodney Dangerfield - "I get no respect. None I tell ya!"
                          #1 - Please, when seeking help, enter the make and model of ALL parts that your system is comprised of in your Signature, or at least the model #'s in your System Specs, then "Save' it.
                          ____If you are overclocking, underclocking, or undervolting any parts, informing us of this and their values would prove beneficial in helping you.

                          #2 - Consider your PSU to be the foundation from which all else is built upon. Anything built upon a weak foundation is poorly built.


                          • #14
                            Re: Asrock 970 Pro3 2.0 bsods and freezing

                            LOL respect. Been lost or taken out of the dictionary hasn't it?

                            Another update. Got the pc back last night. I used an Athlon dual core to be safe when recovering as I know it's a stable cpu with low power usage. Couldn't use a restore point but had enough fore site to make a system image on another drive before giving it to the boy. It's not something I do usually but I'm glad as it recovered windows and got rid of anything he had installed on C drive. What a big bonus. I don't like using C drive for much other than OS and trusted windows programs. I updated LAN and HD audio drivers from realtek site. I don't know what or wear to get any others.
                            It seems at this point it's not the VRM at all. I ran some prime95 tests. High loads with little ram test and default overclocks on mb. First an Athlon II X2 250 3.0GHz Dual-Core (x boot enabled). Second AMD FX-6300 black edition (x boot caused a crash and had to be disabled). Third Phenom II X6 1090t black edition (x boot still disabled). It showed some interesting results.
                            Athlon II X2 passed all in 10 min test and auto OC at 3.2 ghz.
                            FX-6300 fatal failure and test stopped automatically in less than 5 min and was throttling to below 3ghz. It also ran hotter than the dual core.
                            1090t passed all in the hottest conditions (MB got to 42 deg. normal is around 32 atm as the aircon has taken the room temp down considerably) 38 min test and auto OC to 3.5ghz.
                            More testing over the weekend but I'd say the FX-6300 is the blame of the BSODS. First problem I've ever had with a new or any cpu. Is it common?

                            @wardog, I am still looking at a better cpu cooler and cooling the VRM as you suggest and think I may be able to help both with one item. I'm wondering if a suck rather than blow on VRM would be of benefit? It actually sounds like a better idea to remove the heat rather than push hot air at it but idk. I'm thinking of buying this cpu cooler Silverstone NT06-PRO CPU Cooler [SST-NT06-PRO] - $69.00 : PC Case Gear
                            What do you think?


                            • #15
                              Re: Asrock 970 Pro3 2.0 bsods and freezing

                              Throttling? As in high CPU temp throttle? Or was it the high temps of the VRM's and themselves(VRM's) going into protection mode? Important distinction between the two there and will be the determining factor as to a course of correction needed.

                              The one thing I can't remember you saying is what case you have this in. Link to case?

                              I know earlier I criticized the 4+1 this board has but last night I scoured the internet and found a whole lot of folks running your 970 Pro3 R2 / FX-6300 combo, and OC'ing it too. With that knowledge in hand I'm left puzzled as to your problem(s) with doing so.

                              If you have the 6300 out yet, flip it over and with a magnifying glass inspect/verify that the pins are all there and that they're all straight.
                              #1 - Please, when seeking help, enter the make and model of ALL parts that your system is comprised of in your Signature, or at least the model #'s in your System Specs, then "Save' it.
                              ____If you are overclocking, underclocking, or undervolting any parts, informing us of this and their values would prove beneficial in helping you.

                              #2 - Consider your PSU to be the foundation from which all else is built upon. Anything built upon a weak foundation is poorly built.

