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Asrock Fatal1ty Z87 Killer uefi gop not supported on Asus r9 280x DCII TOP

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  • Asrock Fatal1ty Z87 Killer uefi gop not supported on Asus r9 280x DCII TOP

    Hello Everyone I got an issue with my z87 killer m/b

    It cant enable ULTRA FAST BOOT from BIOS or from the F-streaming utility. Also Asrock Instant Boot cant be enabled also its not supported.

    Already talked with ASUS about it and I have an response that the ASUS r9 280x DCII TOP is uefi gop enabled out of the box

    Bios in GPU and M/B are flashed to the latest version available


    Operating System: Windows 8.1 Enterprise 64-bit ( INSTALLED IN LEGACY MODE)
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz
    Memory: 8192MB ( 2x 4 GB) DDR3 GSKILL RIPJAWS X 2133
    HD : SEAGATE 1 TB 7200 RPM

    Any Suggestions??
    Last edited by takian; 01-26-2014, 06:24 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Asrock Fatal1ty Z87 Killer uefi gop not supported on Asus r9 280x DCII TOP

    My understanding of "Legacy BIOS Mode", and I may be wrong here but I'm 99.99% sure of myself, is the exclusion of any (U)EFI/GOP advantages.

    Hence showing not supported, nor selectable for use.
    #1 - Please, when seeking help, enter the make and model of ALL parts that your system is comprised of in your Signature, or at least the model #'s in your System Specs, then "Save' it.
    ____If you are overclocking, underclocking, or undervolting any parts, informing us of this and their values would prove beneficial in helping you.

    #2 - Consider your PSU to be the foundation from which all else is built upon. Anything built upon a weak foundation is poorly built.


    • #3
      Re: Asrock Fatal1ty Z87 Killer uefi gop not supported on Asus r9 280x DCII TOP

      Windows installed in Legacy mode is the problem, you cannot use Ultra Fast boot with Windows 8 unless it is installed in UEFI booting mode.

      To do that, in the the BIOS set CSM to Disabled, or set Secure Boot to Enabled. Then let Windows format the OS drive (as GPT) during the installation.

      You cannot disable CSM or enable Secure Boot with a Legacy OS installation, that will fail.


      • #4
        Re: Asrock Fatal1ty Z87 Killer uefi gop not supported on Asus r9 280x DCII TOP

        Thanks for the replies!!!!

        Actually I didn't mention I can enable ultra fast boot from the bios but it will not boot , after restarting the pc it will log in into bios again.

        I guess that should be the issue than it doesn't work

        Soon I will buy an SSD and reinstall windows on the SSD from the scratch because if I understand correctly I need to reinstall windows again . ( and I think I need to have a partition free Storage device , and my HDD got 3 partitions full of stuff )

        thanks a lot!!!


        • #5
          Re: Asrock Fatal1ty Z87 Killer uefi gop not supported on Asus r9 280x DCII TOP

          Yes, you can enable Ultra Fast with a Legacy installation, but it won't boot as you saw, and forces you into the BIOS to change the setting.

          A new SSD will work well for UEFI booting, and a new OS installation, which is required. Yes you would lose all the data on a HDD since Windows will format any drive when you do a UEFI booting installation.

          Here's a link to a guide about doing a UEFI booting installation: UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) - Install Windows 8 with

          The guide may tell you to enable Secure Boot to enable a UEFI booting installation, which will work, but that also sets CSM to disabled. Instead you can just set CSM to disabled before you start installing Windows and it will work fine. You can use Secure Boot if you like, but it is not required, all you need is CSM set to disabled.

