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Want to build a home server using the following

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  • Want to build a home server using the following

    Want to build a home server using the following<o:p></o:p>
    ASROCK FM2A88X EXTREME4+<o:p></o:p>
    Windows 12 server (Want to put this on a SSD)<o:p></o:p>
    Want to (RAID 5) (4) 2.0 TB WD red NAS hard drive together.<o:p></o:p>
    Parts list<o:p></o:p>
    ASROCK FM2A88X EXTREME4+<o:p></o:p>
    AMD A6 5400K Dual Core Processor<o:p></o:p>
    Ripjaws F3-12800CL9-8GBXL DDR3-1600 RAM<o:p></o:p>
    120 GB KINGSTON SSD SV300S37A<o:p></o:p>
    2.0 TB WD RED NAS HARD DRIVE <o:p></o:p>
    DVD WRITER MODEL SH-224<o:p></o:p>
    Is it possible to set up the SSD drive as the boot drive and raid the hard drives with this MB?<o:p></o:p>
    Plus, how do you do it? Do you set the raid up first in Bios?<o:p></o:p>

  • #2
    Re: Want to build a home server using the following

    HERE's what I found using the FM2A88X Extreme6+ and installing Windows Server 2012 on it.

    HERE's the "RAID Installation Guide" found on the Manuals link for FM2A88X Extreme4 page at ASRock.

    I would highly recommend you leave the Red drives out until you get the server OS installed so as not to complicate matters during the OS installation.
    #1 - Please, when seeking help, enter the make and model of ALL parts that your system is comprised of in your Signature, or at least the model #'s in your System Specs, then "Save' it.
    ____If you are overclocking, underclocking, or undervolting any parts, informing us of this and their values would prove beneficial in helping you.

    #2 - Consider your PSU to be the foundation from which all else is built upon. Anything built upon a weak foundation is poorly built.


    • #3
      Re: Want to build a home server using the following

      Thanks for the info. Wardog.<o:p></o:p>
      So hook up the ssd drive add WS 2012.<o:p></o:p>
      Then hook up the Red drives and set up raid.<o:p></o:p>
      When hooking up ssd how do you setup BIOS for it and what sata port do you use.<o:p></o:p>
      The way I read it you would use sata port 5,6 or 7.<o:p></o:p>
      Then for the raid I would use sata ports 1,2,3,4.<o:p></o:p>
      When I set raid up how will it handle the ssd?<o:p></o:p>
      With the little that I have used raids all the drives had to be in the raid. How do you set it up and not lose the ssd drive?<o:p></o:p>
      Thanks for any Info.<o:p></o:p>


      • #4
        Re: Want to build a home server using the following

        Sorry but asking how to set up RAID is a huge question. If you want to do it, particularly on the new AMD platforms and with WS 2012, you must do your homework.

        WS 2012 is not a driver-rich OS, you must know that you have compatible RAID drivers (the OS installation version and full after installation driver) and have things configured before you start. I can tell you have very little RAID experience given your comments.

        First, setting the SATA mode to RAID does NOT automatically make any drives on the system into RAID volumes. You can be set to RAID mode and have every SATA port connected to a drive, and none of them will become RAID arrays. You can run the PC like that until it dies without one RAID array, and it will work just fine.

        Next, why would creating one RAID array affect other single drives like a SSD? It doesn't, why would you "lose" the SSD? You could have the SSD by itself, and as many other drives as the board can take set up as a RAID array, and the SSD will not be affected at all.

        Basically and in general how is it done? BEFORE OS installation, the SATA mode MUST be set to RAID in the BIOS. You can't change to RAID after installing the OS in AHCI or IDE mode. Well, you can but that requires a registry edit and knowing which entries to edit. It can be done on Intel systems, but AMD RAID tends to be touchy, I would not attempt changing to RAID after an OS installation, just asking for trouble.

        Once you select RAID and install an OS in RAID mode, you are LOCKED into RAID mode on that OS installation. Meaning if you later update your BIOS, which resets all settings to defaults, including SATA mode to AHCI, you MUST reset the SATA mode to RAID before the first boot after the BIOS update, or at best your RAID array(s) will not work. At worst the PC will not boot. Same thing happens on a simple BIOS clear, you must reset RAID mode before you boot again.

        You need to study the RAID installation documents for your board and RAID drivers. Configuration is NOT the same for all RAID implementations, you must know what RAID drivers you are using and how to configure RAID volumes with those drivers.

        Note that your board's download page does NOT list WS 2012 as a supported OS, and provides ZERO drivers for WS 2012. That means you are on your own supplying drivers for everything, and you must research WS 2012 to see what it does and does not support.

        I've never used WS of any type, so know nothing about it. Google on WS 2012 driver support for more reality on that. Very very few people here use WS 2012, and even fewer will have done so with your board, and still fewer using AMD RAID. I wish you luck with all this, but the best source to depend on is your own research and testing, and knowing your first attempts at this will likely be learning experience that will help you later, after a few attempts on getting it working. Sorry but just a big reality check.

