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Random crashing no blue screen No report

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  • Random crashing no blue screen No report

    my computers crashing. It started to do this about a month ago. It would be less often and it progressed to crashing about once an hour. I tried using crash reports but it's not storing them. I'm using my crash report program to optimize crash report. I run manual crashes and it's stored that information. All my temperatures are great. I have a battery UPS backup and my wattages never get above 500 W. It doesn't matter what I'm doing it could be sitting idle and not running anything or while I'm gaming or watching video. I'm at a complete loss I don't know where to start. Maybe the power supply is getting old or something is damaged on the motherboard or CPU. Any help is appreciated. it's the type crash that the computer just shuts down and reboots from as if you pressed the power key. All my specifications are in my signature. Thank you

  • #2
    Re: Random crashing no blue screen No report

    I just wanted to add something this strange at this computer. The CPU is a 3.2 gigahertz processor but no matter what I do I can't get it to run lower than 3.7 GHz. I reset everything in my AMD catalyst overdrive and disabled overclocking in the bias. It still runs at 3.7 GHz I don't know if this is an anomaly or what. It's done this since I've owned the computer. Thank you.


    • #3
      Re: Random crashing no blue screen No report

      just updated my motherboard bios. such a pain to do for the first time. hope it works xxxxxx


      • #4
        Re: Random crashing no blue screen No report

        What are you using for the CPU cooler, and what CPU temperatures do you get?

        Are you using both video cards you listed at the same time?

        The specs I found for an AMD Phenom II X6 1100T show a base speed of 3.3GHz:

        AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Black Edition - HDE00ZFBK6DGR / HDE00ZFBGRBOX

        The CPU running at full speed all the time is probably caused by the CPU power saving options in the BIOS not being enabled. Look for an option like Cool N Quiet, if it is set to Auto, that is probably not enabled, set it to enabled. You could also enable the processor C States.

        A BIOS option like "Multi-Core Enhancement" will cause the processor to run all cores at full speed constantly, the Auto setting for an option like this is probably enabled.

        The Windows Power Plan you use might also cause the CPU to run at full speed constantly. In the Advanced settings for the Power Plan, Processor power management, check the Minimum processor state. If it is not set to 5%, change it to 5%.

        No data when the PC crashes usually means the Windows Page File is to small or not being used at all.

        No idea what PC case you have, you put your Antec PSU in the Case entry.


        • #5
          Re: Random crashing no blue screen No report

          updating to bios fixed the problems it started running at 3.3 mhz. it wasn't crashing anymore. ether the old bios wasnt liking my new gtx970 sc or it got corrupted sum how. now im testing in full oc on the core running at 3.8 mhz got a great cooler so it should be fine.
          Last edited by godkiller; 02-22-2015, 10:49 AM.

