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P35C-DSR3 Freezing

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  • P35C-DSR3 Freezing

    My new build has been fine for a few weeks but has now started to freeze 3 or 4 times a day. The screen freezes and the speakers buzz when it happens.

    I checked Core 2 Duo temps and they go from 24c to 34c (playing WoW). Geforce 8600 GTS GPU temp is fine at around 65c. I have windows Vista home premium. 2 gigs of Corsair 8500s.

    I have not overclocked this board. (Due to my fear of the dreaded cycle boot) I tried turning off the Speedfan feature and got the same RPM and CPU temps. I have a Artic 7 Pro cooling fan which from the start played nice with Speedfan.

    Nvidia driver I have is from June.

    Any suggestions?
    Last edited by damianicus; 10-01-2007, 08:40 AM.

  • #2
    Re: P35C-DSR3 Freezing

    If you have a G0 chip, I bet your temps are 15C higher then you think but you are still fine. Use Coretemp 0.95.4 beta to measure temps correctly.

    I have tested your ram fully? Use orthos for 12 hours and see if your rig is stable. Try memtest also.

    Are you using the onboard sound or a sound card? If a sound card, change the pci slot.


    • #3
      Re: P35C-DSR3 Freezing

      I do have a 6880 Duo processor. But Mr. Fatboy said if you use an older version of Core Temp it's 15% off but i'm using .95

      Could you link the download site for Orthos because I'm not sure which one your talking about.

      I ran the memtest all night and found no errors. I'm feeling like whats causing my freezing is either my ram heating up or the built in sound driver is corrupt.


      • #4
        Re: P35C-DSR3 Freezing

        Read this thread. There are many answers here.


        • #5
          Re: P35C-DSR3 Freezing

          I downloaded and reinstalled the audio drivers (it was buzzing through the speakers when it froze) and also upgraded the bios to F4, and so far no freezes.

          Vista then kinda wouldn't play sound through my speakers until I told them they were headphones, but i'll take it.

          Thanks for the link Mr. FB I'll read it. However there's no way I'm OCing this board. Until the boot cycle issue is clearly identified I'm not tempting fate.

