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Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 boot problems!

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  • Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 boot problems!

    hi ppls i have

    Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3
    Intel E2180
    DIMM DDR2 1GB, 800MHz Kingston CL5
    7200 250GB WD Caviar 2500AAKS
    -DVD+/-RW Pioneer DVR-212D white SATA
    ATX Middle Tower 400W Codegen Briza 6099-CA
    ATI Radeon 3650 Sapphire PCI-e 256MB

    sometimes boot stack before windows logo on start " just black scren "
    and nathing helps cant boot from cd to ..

    and sometimes stack on gigabyte logo on start ! so i turn on computer after that gigabite logo "MB log " something with big S :P show up and stack there must restart and after restart all goes normal . i dont know what can help ?? do i need to turn off some setings in bios or something that i dont know :P

    first time i use XP now am on Vista ultimate.

    thxx i hope someone will help and sorry for bad eng

  • #2
    Re: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 boot problems!

    Hmmm, Not sure If I understand you correctly, If you like please post in your native language the same post, and tell me the language and I will see if I can translate it better


    • #3
      Re: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 boot problems!

      ok ok man my nativ leng is Serbian i dont think that you can translate that:

      i will try again on eng..

      ok i turn on computer gigabite logo show up on monitor .. and stack there ...
      and i need to restart computer ... and after restart all is normal no more stack on " MB logo "

      and sometimes when hi need to start windows loading .. its just black scrin nathing happens ..

      so i ask is there something that i need to setup in bios for my configuration?
      to make this working


      • #4
        Re: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 boot problems!

        Yes, it does sound like maybe you need to adjust some things in your bios, have you read the guide I pinned at the top of the forum?

        Look thru this and see if this helps you any>>>>
        GIGABYTE needs no introduction but they are here to provide free technical support for their motherboards, graphics cards and other products!


        • #5
          Re: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 boot problems!

          big thx man can i just ask you to copy, past me importment options from your post that i need to setup for my config . becouse i dont have knowledge in hardware .. so half of options dont understand at all :P

          so if you have 1 min to take a look on my config and copy. paste options that i need to set. that will be great..

          thxx again


          • #6
            Re: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 boot problems!

            In your BIOS, hit "Control + F1" and paste in what you have for settings, if something is missing here add it in, if there is extra leave it out.

            Robust Graphics Booster___________ [Auto]
            CPU Clock Ratio ____________ [XX]
            CPU Host Clock Control_ [Enabled]
            CPU Host Frequency (MHz)__________ [266]
            PCI Express Frequency (Mhz)_______ [102]
            C.I.A. 2__________________________ [Disabled]
            System Memory Multiplier (SPD)____ [2.00]
            DRAM Timing Selectable_______ SPD __ [Manual]

            CAS Latency Time_____________ 5 ____ ?
            Dram RAS# to CAS# Delay______ 5 ____ ?
            Dram RAS# Precharge Delay_____5 ____?
            Precharge Delay (tRAS)________15 ____ ?
            ACT to ACT Delay (tRRD)_______4 _____ ?
            Rank Write to READ Delay______3 _____ ?
            Write to Precharge Delay______6 _____ ?
            Refresh to ACT Delay________42 ______ ?
            Read to Precharge Delay_______4 _____ ?
            Static tRead Value_______________ 1-31
            Static tRead Phase Adjust________ 1-31

            System Voltage Control____ [Manual]
            DDR2 OverVoltage Control__ [+0.300V]
            PCI-E OverVoltage Control_ [+0.1V]
            FSB OverVoltage Control___ [+0.1V]
            (G)MCH OverVoltage Control [+0.1V]
            CPU Voltage Control_______ [1.25]

            Ohh, and also how many sticks of ram do you have? And do you have them in the same color slots?


            • #7
              Re: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 boot problems!

              have 2 stiks of ram and in same color 2x 1gb


              • #8
                Re: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 boot problems!

                when i first time read your post i set up this in my bios

                sata part0-1 native mod - enebled ( it was disabled )
                Fme event wakeup - disabled
                and 2 more option - disabled to ..

                HPET support - enebled ( dont know what was before cant remanber )
                CPU huper trif.... - disabled ( it was enebled )
                CPU - EST function - disabled ( it was enebled to )

                CPU smart fun speed - disabled ( it was enebled )

                and some option like
                that is stoping boot if dected errors i put to not stop boot at all

                did i put something wrong ?


                • #9
                  Re: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 boot problems!

                  man are you still alive ? :P


                  • #10
                    Re: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 boot problems!

                    Originally posted by slate View Post
                    man are you still alive ? :P

                    I'm sure he is, must have gone to sleep though...

                    Some questions:
                    Were you able to boot into XP/Vista before this issue ? or are you trying to install windows and it's failing ?

                    Are you overclocking the system or is everything set to default ?

                    It may be best to Load fail safe settings in the BIOS and then try to boot.
                    Intel Core i5 4670k C0 @4.2Ghz - Corsair H80i
                    Gigabyte GA-Z97x-SOC Force (Rev 01, BIOS F6C)
                    16GB Corsair Vengeance Pro 1866Mhz DDR3 9-10-9-27 1.5v
                    Gigabyte R9 280x OC Windforce

                    OCZ Vertex 3 120GB SSD - Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
                    Small print - All suggestions I give on this forum are just that - Suggestions.
                    I'm merely suggesting an approach/opinion which I would have taken - You are welcome to try at your own risk.


                    • #11
                      Re: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 boot problems!

                      Yeah, I am fine I was just waiting for you to answer me about the things I asked, which MATTER to your problem

                      I need your BIOS overclock settings from above if you have changed them any, I also need all your bios settings on the page dealing with hard drives and what type of Hard drives you have, where they are plugged into and how you wanted to run them. If you want and can take a picture of your bios pages and post them here.

                      If not let me know and I will copy you another set of settings like above(Which I want you to fill in and post back) about hard drives and you can post your settings for that page to me as well


                      • #12
                        Re: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 boot problems!

                        man i try what you say. enter to bios hit ctrl+f1 and nathing happens. scrin just refresh and nathing .. i take pictures of my bios setup with me phone and i upload it so you can see it. so here you go ..

                        and megaupload link

                        in mintime i get one more problem, when i start computer nathing on scrin , i hear fun .. LED diod from HD shine all time but nathing on scrin.. i try to restart ... cant restart it , try to turn off, cant .. NATHING WORKS , os i turn off cable from power and put it back again start computer and all go fine ..
                        and post this mesage :)

                        i have WD 250aaks 16 mb baffer .. connected with sata connectors to mb
                        i have 2 x 1 gb kingston memory on 800 mhz CL5 in same color slots ..

                        so any help will help me !! big thx man for trying to help


                        • #13
                          Re: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 boot problems!

                          When you hit control F1 more options are shown to you in the M.I.T. section, and other areas. Please copy the section from MIT I posted on page one, and fill in your settings AFTER you hit control F1. Yes the screen refreshes and then more options are shown in certain sections.

                          You are not trying to setup raid right? One hard drive only?

                          Ok I seen images, first Turn OFF turbo in MIT section. Disable Legacy USB storage detect In Intergrated Peripherals. And disable Sata Port 0-1 Native mode (Leave on for now if you are using the orange Ports for your hard drive)

                          Then in Advanced BIOS Features Hard disk Boot priority go in the and make sure WD disk is at the TOP, then same section change First boot device to floppy or USB, second boot device to hard drive, third to CD rom. Init First display set to PEG if you have PCI-e Graphics card.

                          If this doesnt help you, plug your Hard drive into the Purple ports. and do a windows repair and when it starts loading windows do the F6 thing and load the gigabyte RAID/SATA driver instead of the intel one

                          I tell you to use the purple ports because it is maybe easier, but you may have to do that last and reinstall windows using the gigabyte SATA driver. Change all the settings above and leave your hard drive on the orange ports for now if it is there and see if the settings changes help. If not set everything like I said and then boot from windows cd and reinstall or repair windows (Which will leave everything you have except windows updates) you will need to read your manual on how to put the gigabyte SATA driver on USB or floppy. Same as you did with the Intel SATA driver.


                          • #14
                            Re: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 boot problems!

                            here is what is difirent on mine

                            CPU clock ratio is _________10 x
                            CPU host clock control is ________disabled
                            PCI Expres frequency is ________( auto )
                            system memory multiplier ________( auto )
                            dram timing selectabe ___________ auto

                            Precharge delay (tRAS) 18 _____ (auto )
                            ACT to ACT delay (tRRD) 4 _____ ( auto )
                            Read to precharge delay 4 _____ ( auto )
                            Static tRead Value 3 _______(auto )
                            Static Tread Phase Adjust 0 _____ ( auto )

                            that is diversely then you post in first post
                            i dont know who that can make problems that is bios defaults values.. i damn didnt manual set anything.... so what i need to corect and how to do that ?


                            • #15
                              Re: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 boot problems!

                              to corect no "who " its "how "
                              problems are on turning on computer ! cant be turned on or just black on monitor led diod allways shine cant be restarted or shuted down, just to unplug power cable . after restart like that all go fine. and in windows vista all works perfect! no shuting down or restarts when in windows

