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Suddenly unstablility with ep35 ds3r

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  • Suddenly unstablility with ep35 ds3r

    Last edited by Hellbender; 06-29-2008, 06:54 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Suddenly unstablility with ep35 ds3r

    Are those 4x1 sticks? If so put only 2 of those and try again...


    • #3
      Re: Suddenly unstablility with ep35 ds3r

      Clear the CMOS with this method >>>

      Unplug your PSU from the wall, Put a Hard drive or optical jumper on the Clear CMOS pins and let your PC set for 10-20 minutes. Then remove the jumper PIN, plug your PSU back into the wall. Now remove all but one stick of ram in the first ram slot. Turn on the PC and go into the BIOS, choose "Load OPTIMIZED Defaults" then hit save and apply, and reboot. Then go back into the BIOS and make your changes.

      We do need to know if this ram is 2x1 or 2x2 either way you are going to of course manually set your DDR2 overvoltage to 2.1, and add +0.1 - 1.5 MCH voltage for 4GB, and you will also need 52-62 for refresh to act if you are using 2x2.

      I would also test a alternate PSU if you can do so, that one may be on the way out


      • #4
        Re: Suddenly unstablility with ep35 ds3r

        Thank you for your reponses.

        The memory is a 2 x 2 GB kit, rated at 2.2 v

        i have already cleared the cmos, but did not let the computer stay with the jumpers shorted for so much time like you ask, I WILL DO IT as soon as i arrive, and set the timmings you recommend for the 2x2 kit.


        • #5
          Re: Suddenly unstablility with ep35 ds3r

          Let us know how you get along. Ya for 2x2 you will need between 1-1.5 on the MCH and refresh to act set 52-62


          • #6
            Re: Suddenly unstablility with ep35 ds3r

            Hi, here is the progress:

            yesterday, with f3b beta bios, replacing the geforce 8800 with a 6200, 1 stick (2gb), and only disabling native mode for the ahci i could install vista 64 bit

            It kind of worked, didnt even install intel drivers, because i only wanted to extract the timmings of the memory with memset.

            It was stable, aside form the "superfetch has stopped working" message, and a BSOD , i was able to copy some files (90 GB) to other HD without problems.

            Reflashed to F2, the stock version of the bios, which at least during 2 -3 gave me a stable experience.

            So... trying to install vista again, exactly as i did it when first build the system, gave me BSOD.

            voltages up one notch... BSOD.

            So, this morning, i did reset the cmos with a jumper, waited a little over 20 min, removed again 1 stick to end up with 2 GB. removed the jumper, booted, loaded, optimized defaults. rebooted made just the necessary changes to be able to install, and overvoltage the ram to 2.2 , the mch to 2 (i dont have 1.5, and have already tested with 1 with no success), set ram to 4-4-4-12, all the other values where inside
            what memset gave me when reviewing the
            epp., but changed the tread adjust to 52.

            Ok, tried to install.. and well, at least it passed the expaning files so, i rebooted, and popped in the other 2 GB.

            BSOD when trying to install, after formating of course the former setup.

            Again, removed 1 stick. Bam... BSOD.

            replaced the 8800 gts with the 6200 again. Ok, i was able to end the expanding files part again.

            reboot, popped the other 2 Gb, so 4 GB total, restart installation from beginning, BSOD.

            reboot, removed 2 Gb again to check if this is indeed a pattern.

            While writing this, it had passed the 40 % mark, but, gave an error about sources not available anymore, but hey... no BSOD!! so, just trying again without rebooting.

            The disk is again detected, but this time it does not allow me to format, so, trying to exit the setup program to reboot, BSOD.

            ALL the other BSOD at setup, are about irql_not_less_or_equal, but this one does not give info about the reason.

            Ok, rebooted, trying again.


            the same BSOD, irql_not_less_or_equal.

            Ok, im officially lost.

            My PSU is 4 years old, working at least 8 hours dialy, do you think it can be the culprit of alll this frigging things?

            My new crazy theory is about the problem rising always when accessing the HD, in this case, trying to install.

            Memtest all in standard gives 0 errors in all 4 GB.

            First installation, the only i can use as reference of things working, was with ich9 and gigabyte satas in AHCI mode, IC9's also in native mode, just as it has been all this morning.
            Last edited by Hellbender; 06-30-2008, 02:00 PM.


            • #7
              Re: Suddenly unstablility with ep35 ds3r

              First, stop switching things around so much!! Leave only the one stick in until you get installed.

              You said AHCI, are you trying to use this or not? If so, you must install the driver and setup BIOS accordingly. I am sure you know, but just incase. Same for a non ahci, bios must be set properly, Native IDE mode enabled, ahci disabled.

              Also your NB may be hot and need a fan or the thermal paste redone properly. I always do all of mine, My last few GB boards have either had way too much or little coverage with too much on what was covered. And with 2x2 and MCH up it may be getting hot. If you cannot touch it for more then 10 seconds when running memtest86+ (Which can you by the way? You should be able to boot to cd or floppy and run it) then it is too hot

              Do you have other ram to install with? If so, use that for now and try to go somewhere you can run Memtest86+ on that ram, you could have a DOA set or stick


              • #8
                Re: Suddenly unstablility with ep35 ds3r

                Sorry about that noobish method of messing around with several variables at once, but im desperate.

                Yes, im trying to use AHCI, and i know it works, because i installed Vista 64 bit , which has the drivers integrated for ich9, and everything worked fine,... for a few days. You dont need to use separate drivers to detect the sata ports in the setup because of this.

                So, yesterday, while trying to install Vista, again, thinking that maybe, it could work (i know.... but i told you, im desperate ), got BSOD in every try (even with just 1 stick of ram) so, the last change i did, was disable the native mode for the ich9's satas.

                Yes, it was native mode for sata, not ide native. Watching the manual, it says, this native mode for the satas, is the feature that supports ot swap, NCQ.

                Therefore, if you disable the AHCI mode for the intel satas, the Native Mode becomes grayed out. So the only way to alter it, is with ahci enabled.

                Strangely, with this native mode disabled (loosing the features exclusive of s-ata), using just 1 stick of ram (with the settings form de epp), and the geforce 6200, i was able to install and even use vista for like an hour or so.

                I still got prime95 rounding errors there, but at least it worked. So i reflashed to F2 in this moment, seeing it as stable, and thinking that problem of windows not installing on ahci Native mode was caused by the f3 beta bios.

                After that, in my joy thinking i was getting somewhere, was ready to make a install again (cause vista installed on wrong drive), and that, with exactly the same timmings on he ram, voltages and other settings (i wrote them on paper to be sure to apply all of em right) except for the ahci native mode, which now i activated,and got BSOD.

                I ran memtest86 yesterday, 0 errors, for about 2 1/2 hours till i rebooted.

                I have to tell you, when it worked the first time on tuesday last week, vista used all the memory, for cache, games, and never got unstable till thursday when i began cranking the fsb, (max 400 fsb, which this mobo is advertised to support when overclocking)

                This morning, the only setting that was not changed during all the attempts, was the ahci native mode. Why do you think that it worked the first day to install and now is a no go?


                Also, the system temp is under 50 in the bios monitor. Yes, the sensor is not in the mcp, but gives you an idea of the situation.

                Thanx in advance
                Last edited by Hellbender; 06-30-2008, 05:05 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: Suddenly unstablility with ep35 ds3r

                  Ok guys, i tried installing the driver i got from intel site, copied both, vista and all directories in a pendrive.

                  Had ahci enabled and native mode also enabled, although the hd was already detected, selected to load driver, and the ich9 ahci x64 driver , but the installer said, i must select a signed driver to continue installation.

                  as you can guess, clicking my way through the setup process even in the light of this error, i got BSOD.

                  disabled sata native mode, so i ended in ide legacy mode as bios says, tried to install (without driver from pendrive) , even though it passed the expanding files step, it later gave me the error message that it could not locate the source nla bla bla.

                  Restarted, cleaned the CD, again.
                  passed the expanding files step, and BSOD this time a Fault i nonpaged area.

                  Besides having tried other sata data cables, i also changed the disk from sata port.

                  all this was done with just 1 stick of ram, and the same settings that this morning. Trying to change the less configs possible like.

                  Thanks in advance.


                  • #10
                    Re: Suddenly unstablility with ep35 ds3r

                    For AHCI you want BIOS settings as follow >>>

                    SATA RAID/AHCI Mode >>> AHCI
                    SATA Port0-3 Native Mode >>> Enabled

                    Just so we are clear on that!

                    System temp under 50? That sounds like 48-49 to me if we are talking like most stores and their under %5 deals of $4.99. That being said 48-50 is HOT for either system (Which is NorthBridge) or CPU which is not the cores, and if it is CPU that means your cores are way hotter then that. If either one is close to 50 in the BIOS you need to redo your heatsinks with less paste as they are not set in there properly. System temp should be around 30-40 with 40 being a bit on the warm side for idle in the BIOS. And CPU temp in the BIOS should be under 40 as well for idle

                    A signed driver should be on your Install disk for your motherboard. Are you sure you are getting the correct Intel driver? I just ask as it should have been signed and not gave you that message.

                    To ensure you are, here is the latest floppy OS Install driver I have downloaded for you and re-uploaded, will be fine on USB. Try this, maybe you was downloading the incorrect one somehow? >>>
                    Intel Matrix Storage Driver (SATA-AHCI)

                    Even if it looks the same, give it a try to be sure. Put just the files into the pendrive, not the folder. You can put the folder, but it may be easier if it is not in a folder

                    As for why it worked before and not now, I don't know. I can say 2.4 may have killed that ram, it is Micron right? Voltages kill them pretty quick. I would test the ram on a different system to be sure it is all still fine. Use Test 2 and 5 on memtest for a few hours each

                    Irq less than and page faults sound like ram errors to me, especially since you are not even installed yet. but either of which could be caused by Very hot parts. Which if you are seeing 40-45+ on anything in the BIOS then this may be the case as that is WAY to hot for a idle temp on either the system or CPU temp readouts

                    Try again, with all this in mind, HD in the first port


                    • #11
                      Re: Suddenly unstablility with ep35 ds3r

                      Ok, IM GONNA VOTE for you to get your LSD asap.

                      Your last post left me thinking heavily about the ram being foobared.

                      So before tyring with the drivers you kindly uploaded for me, i ran another memtest86, with the intention of leaving it during one entire day running just test 2 and then 5, but i forgot to select em, so it went ahead with all the test battery.

                      I noticed that, when lot of errors starting to pop on test 8, and well,lets just say when it reached 2+ million error count, i was convinced that stick was bad.

                      Ran the same test 8 on the other stick, flawless.

                      So, im installing Vista 64 again, this time, w/o BSOD's.

                      THANK YOU SO F'ING MUCH MAN.

                      Anyway, i'll report later the final results of this case.

                      Again, thanx.


                      • #12
                        Re: Suddenly unstablility with ep35 ds3r

                        I didn't say a day for each test!! If I did I was sleeping when I said that! LOL

                        I meant 3-4 hours each, possibly less for it to fail. But I see you did find a bad stick, so you using the good one for now then right?

                        You do know you will have to return the set for RMA, not just one stick. So you may need to borrow some ram for a while. Not long if it was bought from newegg, their RMA service is quick. And if you call in and "Cry" about it they often will cross ship for you as long as you are not a new customer

                        GLAD to see you got it, and finally stopped changing so many things at once. That was going to get you no where as you saw!

                        Good luck with your RMA, and getting your system up and running!!!


                        • #13
                          Re: Suddenly unstablility with ep35 ds3r

                          Hi guys, im here to let you know the event of the last days.

                          After determining one stick of ram had gone bad, i discarded it, building the rig with just the other one of the kit.

                          All went ok, the system was working like it should.

                          I bought another kit of 4 GB of ram, identical to the other, patriot viper series, to be able to use the computer while the other kit was in rma.

                          Ok, so, im in this situation:
                          1. the "old" working stick in slot 1, while the new kit in slots 2 and 4: bsod while playing
                          2. just the new kit, in 1 and 3, 2 and 4, and even 1 and 2 to break dual channel: bsod when gaming
                          3. i thought that with only the good old stick i would have no problems: nope, bsod after near an hour of gaming
                          4. one of the new sticks gave similar results...


                          • #14
                            Re: Suddenly unstablility with ep35 ds3r

                            Hmm, could be your GFZ card or driver. You should disable automatic restarts on BSOD and get the error number so I could better let you know something.

                            To do that go to control panel, system, advanced system settings, then startup and recovery towards the bottom click settings, then UNCHECK Automatically Restart. Then reboot and cause yourself a BSOD and give me the error number, it will look similar to this >>> 0x0000044


                            • #15
                              Re: Suddenly unstablility with ep35 ds3r

                              well man, after fully uninstalled drivers 175.16 as suggested by evga, and installed 175.19 , i now get not BSOD, just the message of the nvlddmkm not responding and being recovered.

                              Also, eventviewer shows no info about the application (any game) crash.

