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ga-p35-ds3r 4x1gb & s3 issues

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  • ga-p35-ds3r 4x1gb & s3 issues

    Hi -
    Built the bits listed below up together a year or so ago.
    Then experienced lots of stability issues (the odd bsod 3 or 4 times a day - no pattern or clues to driver issues - very random error codes).

    The slack memory timings below (which I am currently running) give me a very stable pc - no bsods for weeks on end & many runs through the vista memory test with no issue.
    If I bring the timings back to the manuf spec (5-5-5-15) it brings the instability issues back again.

    Either way, no matter what settings, I cannot resume from s3 (the blank screen problem that i read about everywhere).

    Any advice for me?
    Thanks in advance!

    e8400 - no overclock
    4x1gb crucial ballistix 1066mhz (rated for 2.0v)
    raid0 drive setup
    f12 bios

    I have memory set at 1066mhz and 6-7-7-24
    All other memory settings left at auto

    ddr2 set at +0.3v (results in 2.08v reported by bios)
    gmch set at +0.1v (going higher means no POST)
    rest left at auto

    performance enhance = standard
    cia = off

  • #2
    Re: ga-p35-ds3r 4x1gb & s3 issues

    Did you load/save/apply optimized defaults after your last flash? If no, please do so now and see here for relevant Loading Optimized default warnings >>

    Are you sure those stick are all the same type? I mean all rated at 2.0V, if not they may not work together as Crucial has made some changes

    You should not be having S3 issues with no overclock, so you either did not load optimized after you updated your BIOS or you need to update it.

    And for 4 sticks of ram you do need +0.2-0.3 MCH Voltage, something must be stopping you from adding more, not sure what that would be but this could also be part of your issue.

    Please post me your full setting and if you did the above asked about flashing >>>

    This is Just a template I use to ask people their settings, pay no attention to the numbers in it, replace with yours

    Robust Graphics Booster___________ [Auto]
    CPU Clock Ratio ____________ [8] 
    Fine Clock Ratio ____________[0.5]
    CPU Host Clock Control_ [Enabled]
    CPU Host Frequency (MHz)__________ [450] 
    PCI Express Frequency (Mhz)_______ [100]
    C.I.A. 2__________________________ [Disabled]
    System Memory Multiplier (SPD)____ [2.00]
    DRAM Timing Selectable_______ SPD __ [Manual]
    Performance Enhance = [Standard]
    CAS Latency Time________________ ?
    Dram RAS# to CAS# Delay_________ ?
    Dram RAS# Precharge Delay_______?
    Precharge Delay (tRAS)__________ ?
    ACT to ACT Delay (tRRD)_________ ?
    Rank Write to READ Delay________ ?
    Write to Precharge Delay_________ ?
    Refresh to ACT Delay______________ ?
    Read to Precharge Delay__________ ?
    Static tRead Value_______________
    Static tRead Phase Adjust________ [Auto]
    CPU/PCIEX Clock Driving Control [800mV]
    CPU Clock Skew Control [normal]
    GMCH Clock Skew Control [Normal]
    System Voltage Control____ [Manual]
    DDR2 OverVoltage Control__ [+0.300V] 
    PCI-E OverVoltage Control_ [+0.1V] 
    FSB OverVoltage Control___ [+0.1V] 
    (G)MCH OverVoltage Control [+0.1V] 
    CPU Voltage Control_______ [1.25]
    Limit CPUID Max. to 3.....................: [Disabled]
    No-Execute Memory Protect............: [Enabled]
    CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)................: [Disabled]
    C2/C2E State Support....................: [Disabled]
    x C4/C4E State Support..................: [Disabled]
    CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ...........: [Enabled]
    CPU EIST Function.........................: [Disabled]
    Virtualization Technology................: [Disabled] Enabled if you use Vmware/Virtual PC
    Integrated Peripherals
    Legacy USB Storage Detect___________________[Disabled] *Note* Must be enabled to flash from USB
    *EDIT* F12 BIOS has been pulled, not sure when? SO you may want to go back to F11 or Try the beta >>>
    Last edited by Lsdmeasap; 12-06-2008, 02:15 PM.


    • #3


      • #4
        Re: ga-p35-ds3r 4x1gb & s3 issues

        See if this helps you any, if not I would personally go ahead and update to a newer BIOS >>>

        Static tRead Value_______________ Manually set 7-9 << Try them all and see how it goes.

        System Voltage Control____ Manual
        DDR2 OverVoltage Control__ +0.3V << Only +0.2
        PCI-E OverVoltage Control_ normal
        FSB OverVoltage Control___ normal << +0.1
        (G)MCH OverVoltage Control _+0.1V << Try +0.2-0.3


        • #5
          Re: ga-p35-ds3r 4x1gb &amp; s3 issues

          thankyou - i will give the setting changes a go, if no joy will roll back to f11 bios i guess. will report back later!


          • #6
            Re: ga-p35-ds3r 4x1gb &amp; s3 issues

            Good luck, ya if you was good on F11 BIOS then maybe best to stick with it for a while or try a beta


            • #7
              Re: ga-p35-ds3r 4x1gb &amp; s3 issues

              update on how this went...

              rolled in the f11 bios (load opt defaults, reset, tweak etc), used the bios settings suggested & worked through the static tread values 7-8-9 with a vista memory test after each.

              after this i still had the s3 resume problem & still getting memory errors.

              so i started heading back towards my previous settings.
              particularly the +0.3v on ddr2 seems essential.
              without this my memory tests will fail.
              did notice that the reported voltage in bios does not actually increase further whether set to +.1v or +.2v. using both these settings results in 1.95v being reported in bios. whereas +.3v results in 2.04v and stability.

              but i have noticed that the increase in static tread & the gmch/fsb voltage tweaks allow me to run at the specified 5-5-5-15 (as opposed to 6-7-7-24).

              so far it's run through vista memory test ok but need to see how things go i guess.

              the s3 problem is a shame but as long as i'm not gettting bsod then im happy i think. time will tell on that.

              thanks for the help so far!


              • #8
                Re: ga-p35-ds3r 4x1gb &amp; s3 issues

                sorry for dredging this up but it seems relevant and i have a new question to add...

                continuing the story above.

                the BSOD's came back after a week or so.
                i lost patience and purchased some new ram, 2x2gb Kingston hyperx.

                while fitting it i noticed some dust in the case. so vacuumed it out.
                then at the last minute decided to remove gfx card.
                this allowed me to see huge amounts of dust blocking the fins - simply not visible with the card in situ. i vacuumed this out as well.

                decided to NOT fit the new memory in case the dust was the issue.
                it still bsod'ed.

                so replaced the memory to the 2x2gb
                ran memtest and prime95 for hours
                not one single BSOD since :)

                i now have a nice 3.6gHz oclock on the cpu.
                memory at 5-5-5-18 @ 1000
                slight tweak + to cpu vcore and ddr2
                still not one single BSOD still :)

                but still the s3 problem remains?
                am i safe to flash to f13d that was released this in april this year?
                i can find no notes explaining the fix list in this beta bios. also can find no posts of problems (encouraging perhaps?)



                • #9
                  Re: ga-p35-ds3r 4x1gb &amp; s3 issues

                  f13d = no solution to my s3 issues with or without overclocks or voltage tweaks = shame

