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Help overclocking GA-965P-DS3

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  • Help overclocking GA-965P-DS3

    So0o0o0o Ive been doing some reading on overclocking and I followed the guide on the first threat but im still stuck.

    My system specs are:
    MOBO Gigabyte 965P DS3
    Vid Card nVidia Geforce 9600 GT
    RAM 4 x 1 GB Corsair 5-5-5-18 1.8V (FSB:DRAM = 1:2)
    Power Supply RaidMax Modular RX-630A 630 Watts
    Processor: Intel Core Duo E4300 @ 1.80 GHz (I have BIOS F11 for it which is what Giga's site said I needed)

    I'm not sure if i can overclock it more than it is at already but CPU-Z gives me the following info:

    Core Voltage: 1.184-1.200V
    Core Speed: 1206-1800 MHz
    Multiplier: x6 (and occasionaly 9.0)
    Bus Speed: 201.0 MHz
    Rated FSB: 804.0 MHz

    If anyone has any idea on how to OC this mobo with the F11 bios please let me know. Also if someone may know how to OC this but just needs to know whats on the BIOS page let me know and ill post them. Please any help would be appreciated and thank you in advance.

  • #2
    Re: Help overclocking GA-965P-DS3

    Set the DRAM: FSB to 1:1 for starters ( you can increase RAM speed later). Increase VCore, increase the FSB and test for stability with Prime 95. Watch temps with Core Temp and try to keep them below 65C


    • #3
      Re: Help overclocking GA-965P-DS3

      ok so everytime i try and increase the FSB and the Vcore it wont let me start windows. It takes me to the windows login screen then i type my PW and it instantly cuts off. Also im not sure how to change the DRAM:FSB settings? Think you could tell me how to do that. Sorry Im kinda a nub at this

