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EP45-DS3P LAN/DSL disconnection problems... HELP PLEASE!

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  • #16
    Re: EP45-DS3P LAN/DSL disconnection problems... HELP PLEASE!

    In these days (I hope) I finish my reinstall, applications settings etc.
    I will now test how things going, so this MTU issue and others can wait, I do not want to take your time up until I am not sure that the xp reinstall doesnt help. I will be back for further assistance if so later.
    Originally posted by Lsdmeasap View Post
    Well I am not so sure that a disconnect from your PC would show up in that app if the disconnect was short would it? Never used that so I don't know.
    Yes, as far as I know after my research it does. It shows the so called "ADSL Uptime" which means how long am I connected to my ISP since the ADSL modem is on and synchronized with the server. I have to use this application, because my ADSL modem D-Link 360R has no own admin interface in browser.
    I do know without another PC to test on for a while it is going to be very hard to tell if you are getting disconnected from your ISP or just your PC is loosing the connection
    If it was the problem I will try to check by my ISP support center.
    I am not sure about adjusting that, if it would have a effect or not. I have never had to. Here is some info I found that may help you more in you want to try that out >>>
    Adjusting the MTU[/url]
    BBPC News | BuildOrBuy - Windows TCP/IP Tweak Settings[/url]
    Linksys Answer[/url]
    Same (confusing) info which I linked you already, but let check this later.

    ----- This will be moved or deleted -----
    If you dont mind I would like to ask for your opinion regarding the ATI drivers and .NET framework.
    (Should I open a new thread somewhere? Please advise.)
    As you know ATI catalyst needs the .NET framework 2.0, but there are several bugs and critical vulnerabilities etc. in this basic version. I ve read some Microsoft articles and security bulletins how to fix them. It turned out there is a rather complicated but recommended way (I do not understand why could it be not easier, although I am not familiar with the exact functionality of these frameworks...).
    Could it be, these bugs cause the driver failures which some users experienced with ATI cards.
    First of all you need following steps after .NET 2.0 is installed:
    1.) install .NET 3.0
    2.) install a hotfix so you are able to install step 3.)
    3.) install .NET 3.5 (included .NET 2.0 SP1 and 3.0 SP1)
    4.) install .NET 3.5 SP1 (included .NET 2.0 SP2 and 3.0 SP2)
    5.) install a hotfix update (3 components together to work properly! LOL) for .NET 3.5 SP1 (which updates .NET 2.0 SP2 and 3.0 SP2)
    You only need .NET 3.0 because otherwise updates of step 5.) wont work properly or cant be installed at all! Wtf?!
    Well done Microsoft...
    Whats more if you want to download the offline installers (especially 3.5 and 3.5 SP1) they want to connect to the internet and download other things without asking for your permisson! If you do not have an internetconnection or disable in firewall the install will cause errors...

    If my research was right, they are looking only for language packages for your country specified OS. But you do not need them, english is default and ATI drivers are anyway in english.
    So you need following steps:
    - extract these offline installers in a separate folder
    - and start the setup file with a commandline switch /lang:ENU

    So far so good (I think). After these steps it has appeared following program/hotfix(?) "Add-remove programs" -> article:MSXML 6.0 Parser (KB925673) This hotfix is rather old IMO, and the article claims it could be installed without the MSXML Core Service, but if I would remove this hotfix, it removes MSXML 6.0 Core Service also...
    MSXML 6.0 is not installed
    File Name Version Date Time Size
    Msxml6.dll 6.0.3888.0 1-Sep-06 12:08 1.27 MB
    Msxml6r.dll 6.0.3883.0 19-Jul-06 10:55 84.6 KB
    Do I have installed MSXML 6.0 Core Service together with any of the .NET frameworks?

    Maybe not so important, I was just wondering... I ve checked my current versions (I have XP Prof. SP3 and all hotfixes for OS since SP3 released and now with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and latest hotfix):
    msxml6.dll - 6.20.1099.0
    msxml6r.dll - 6.0.3883.0
    msxml.dll - 8.0.7002.0
    msxml3.dll - 8.100.1048.0
    msxml3r.dll - 8.20.8730.1
    These all were upgraded through several Windows XP hotfixes, so I think there is everything ok.
    Last edited by vacapp; 03-12-2009, 03:01 PM.
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    • #17
      Re: EP45-DS3P LAN/DSL disconnection problems... HELP PLEASE!


      I did the clean reinstall with the newest drivers... The problem still exists... I have no idea what else could I do. I am searching through the whole f****ng internet and can't find any solution. PLEASE HELP ME!
      I dont know if any information will be provided, but I ve found I can log the PPP connection with below
      From the command prompt, type:
      set tracing PPP enable
      It is definitely not the DSL connection which is broken, because if I pull out the phone(internet) line from my modem the connection wont be broken like during the Event ID 20159 and my modem application utility SM50b shows the "ADSL uptime" not present. But if this disconnection happens by my PC, the ADSL uptime remains still connected...

      - I have updated the BIOS with @BIOS (yes I know afterward was risky) after I put my config together, because my CPU could be recognised after BIOS F7 and I had F6. The latest was/is F8. Should I flash it again with Q-Flash? Although I had no such problems ca. 2 weeks after updating...
      - Maybe F-Secure Client Security causes the trouble, I will shut down and try only with a simple firewall software.
      - I will try another ADSL modem, but still it seems the connection will be disconnected by Windows.
      - Hardware problem? (But with 2 NIC-s at once)
      Last edited by vacapp; 03-12-2009, 03:44 PM.
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      • #18
        Re: EP45-DS3P LAN/DSL disconnection problems... HELP PLEASE!

        Ya, I would go ahead and reflash with Qflash. To either the latest Beta BIOS or back to the older one you had used before you noticed this issue.

        Yeap, I would also (Before flashing) uninstall your firewall and antivurus programs and reboot after each uninstall, this way you can rule them out as a issue

        I am not so sure it would be a hardware problem, at least modem wise I mean. I am beginning to think maybe something is wrong with your onboard LAN devices.

        You may need to RMA the board if none of the above helps, or buy a cheap wireless card and see if that works. I use a Gigabyte one, I only paid $15-20 I believe for it


        • #19
          Re: EP45-DS3P LAN/DSL disconnection problems... HELP PLEASE!

          Originally posted by Lsdmeasap View Post
          Ya, I would go ahead and reflash with Qflash. To either the latest Beta BIOS or back to the older one you had used before you noticed this issue.
          There is one problem as I mentioned, I had the F6 BIOS which did not support my E5200 so I updated immediately to the latest F8 and there was no problem so about 10 days during I was searching for overclocking (LOL - not even a reliable system yet...) and since then I have this annoying issue .
          So should I flash again F8 or maybe F7(this version supports E5200 already)?

          Yeap, I would also (Before flashing) uninstall your firewall and antivurus programs and reboot after each uninstall, this way you can rule them out as a issue
          I will try definitely. Is there any way to check some of the logs made by windows or firewall to figure it out what could be the reason? Because there is no pattern. One day it happens after 4 hours, next day it is almost 14 hours since the internetconnection is established...

          I am not so sure it would be a hardware problem, at least modem wise I mean. I am beginning to think maybe something is wrong with your onboard LAN devices.
          I will try a modem change first, see what happens if above to steps doesnt help.
          You may need to RMA the board if none of the above helps, or buy a cheap wireless card and see if that works. I use a Gigabyte one, I only paid $15-20 I believe for it
          But I hope there is no problem with my LAN devices . If I had to RMA it, how can I prove that they are defect? BIOS checking doesnt show anything wrong... They will wait probably weeks to investigate and I have no comp... (Whats more I have to pay for transport and still no solution if they do not want to change)
          I would like to request something. Since this is an official Gigabyte forum, do you have a direct contact to the guys there? Could you maybe ask your contact, whether they had any similar issue with EP45-DS3P boards???

          (Look, I do not want to buy anything else to my config. I bought a new board (+cpu, psu, memory) and it should be work without problems with all features on it. It is quite a lot money (more than the calculated monthly average salary in the country) to buy only these more-or-less "quality" parts...)
          Last edited by vacapp; 03-23-2009, 04:16 AM. Reason: additional info
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          • #20
            Re: EP45-DS3P LAN/DSL disconnection problems... HELP PLEASE!

            Originally posted by Lsdmeasap View Post
            In the meantime I ve tried some of aboves you suggested and other things. I ve checked another modem, nothing. I ve made a 10pass Memtest86+, was OK. I am going to RMA my ATI card, because this problem remained and non of the older or newer drivers could solve it (at least I will know, that was not the reason). I uninstalled F-Secure and tried only firewall ZoneAlarm, then I kept only Windows firewall(!) nothing changed.
            Yesterday, I ve flashed again the bios(with F8) now with Q-flash and disabled "Keep DMI data", reinstalled Windows xp also and try to use the original drivers of chipset and LAN from MB CD at first (because there were no problems in the first 8-9 days, and later I have updated them). In addition I am using now my old Nvidia graphic card and we will see in the next days what happens.
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            • #21
              Re: EP45-DS3P LAN/DSL disconnection problems... HELP PLEASE!

              Sounds like you may need to RMA the board, if there was known issues I would know about them for sure and there is not.

              You did load and apply Optimized defaults after you flashed again right? Have you disabled Green LAN in the BIOS, if not do that as well

              Give it a try with NO FIREWALL for a while and see if things are ok


              • #22
                Re: EP45-DS3P LAN/DSL disconnection problems... HELP PLEASE!

                Thanks for the quick reply it seems your internet connection is going again.
                I give a try for the last settings and if nothing helps I have to contact the shop for RMA...
                Originally posted by Lsdmeasap View Post
                Sounds like you may need to RMA the board, if there was known issues I would know about them for sure and there is not.
                It means this is maybe a special case and hardware failure? I am not a hardware expert but only 1 chip controls both NIC's so it doesnt matter that both NIC's shows the same behavior?
                You did load and apply Optimized defaults after you flashed again right? Have you disabled Green LAN in the BIOS, if not do that as well
                Yes, I did as suggested in your sticky and manual of the MB. Green LAN is disabled.
                Give it a try with NO FIREWALL for a while and see if things are ok
                I could, but what proves it? I tried only with firewall of windows xp (32bit, Prof., SP3), I have to use a firewall sooner or later (better sooner ). Shouldn't the MB and NIC driver work properly with almost any firewall? What is your idea?
                Last edited by vacapp; 03-23-2009, 05:19 AM.
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                • #23
                  Re: EP45-DS3P LAN/DSL disconnection problems... HELP PLEASE!

                  Ya, It could be just a faulty LAN Chip or ports on your board. Since it is the one chip, then if it is bad both would be.

                  No firewall at all would prove for sure that firewall or firewall settings are not the cause. Yes, it should not be a issue but some firewalls by default have adverse effects if you do not properly configure them


                  • #24
                    Re: EP45-DS3P LAN/DSL disconnection problems... HELP PLEASE!

                    Originally posted by Lsdmeasap View Post
                    Ya, It could be just a faulty LAN Chip or ports on your board. Since it is the one chip, then if it is bad both would be.

                    No firewall at all would prove for sure that firewall or firewall settings are not the cause. Yes, it should not be a issue but some firewalls by default have adverse effects if you do not properly configure them
                    Wow, you are fast today.

                    After reinstalling windows I do not have any firewall software installed yet. Still I would like to try first with the firewall of XP (too much dangerous attacks and malwares etc. maybe better than nothing ), but if the disconnects happen I will shut it down and hope...

                    I did not mentioned previous, but I would like to know your opinion.
                    I was suggested, to check IRQ-s and Conflicts/Sharing datas in System information. I did, but I do not know is it OK or not? I was told it can cause sometimes problems if NIC and videocard have same IRQ, but how could I change it??? I did not find any information about this. I ve read XP makes its own way regarding this.
                    Last edited by vacapp; 03-23-2009, 06:03 AM.
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                    • #25
                      Re: EP45-DS3P LAN/DSL disconnection problems... HELP PLEASE!

                      You will be fine with no firewall, just stay off the porn sites

                      Worst thing, if something happened you would just need a clean install again is all

                      You can check your IRQ's and see if there is a conflict going on. To do that Hit the windows Key + R and type in this >> msinfo32.exe

                      Then in the windows that comes up look in Hardware Resources, then Conflicts/Sharing and see if you notice that, and also you can look in IRQ section to see what is using what IRQ

                      In the BIOS you can also change IRQ's manually. On the MAIN Page of the BIOS hit Control + F1 and then the screen will flash, then go into PnP/PCI Page and you will find the manual IRQ Settings

                      Ohh sorry, I just checked your links. Images, I thought they were links you wanted me to look at about IRQ's sorry!

                      Ya, go in the BIOS and see if you can change your GFX Card IRQ to something other then 16 and see what affect it has. You can also change it by moving the card to another slot if you would like to try that as well


                      • #26
                        Re: EP45-DS3P LAN/DSL disconnection problems... HELP PLEASE!

                        Originally posted by Lsdmeasap View Post
                        You will be fine with no firewall, just stay off the porn sites

                        Worst thing, if something happened you would just need a clean install again is all


                        In the BIOS you can also change IRQ's manually. On the MAIN Page of the BIOS hit Control + F1 and then the screen will flash, then go into PnP/PCI Page and you will find the manual IRQ Settings

                        Ohh sorry, I just checked your links. Images, I thought they were links you wanted me to look at about IRQ's sorry!

                        Ya, go in the BIOS and see if you can change your GFX Card IRQ to something other then 16 and see what affect it has. You can also change it by moving the card to another slot if you would like to try that as well
                        Yeah sorry it was not clear, I linked pictures about my own IRQ and C/S. What do you think is there any problem which explains the LAN (GFX) issues???

                        BIOS has only 15 IRQ-s and as I read XP overrides them, is it not the case? But I can try of course, whats the worst scenario? I can set it again to "Auto" (default PnP/PCI setting in Bios). Btw. I have a direct page of Pnp/PCI in Bios and there is only one setting: Auto and some numbers. Which should I try? Check XP which is free?
                        bios manual pic.

                        I have only 1 PCIe x16 slot (EP45-DS3P) can not change.

                        EDIT: I have kept 2 cases of disconnection by PPP.log files. First only disconnection of internet but I could immediately reconnect, secondly NIC was also disconnected. Could it be some information/help?
                        1. disconn. - [196] 11:31:57:828: PPPEMSG_LineDown recvd, hPort=4 -> ppplog1
                        2. disconn. - [196] 17:54:52:875: PPPEMSG_LineDown recvd, hPort=4 -> ppplog2
                        (both downloadable .txt files no viruses, rootkits etc.)

                        EDIT2: I was wrong regarding the LAN chips, there are 2 of them for each NIC separately, this is somehow interesting... Both would be faulty? Whats the chance? ---> similar MB layout
                        Last edited by vacapp; 03-23-2009, 06:26 PM.
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                        • #27
                          Re: EP45-DS3P LAN/DSL disconnection problems... HELP PLEASE!

                          Im not sure how much this helps, but if i install the drivers windows update offers to my board i get the same problem.

                          Just to be sure, use the drivers from realteks website or the CD, not the ones from windows update if you have installed those instead.
                          Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3R
                          CPU: E8400 C0
                          Memory: Team Xtreem Dark PC2 8500 DDR2 1066MHz CL5 (2*2GB)
                          GPU: XFX GTX280
                          Sound: Xonar HDAV Deluxe
                          HDD's: WD VelociRaptor, WD Blue AAKS, WD Blue 2500BB
                          PSU: Corsair HX620
                          Case: Sharkoon Rebel12 Value
                          CPU Cooler: Xigmatek Achilles S1284C
                          Fans: Intake & Extract Top: Sharkoon 140MM 5v mod, Intake Bottom Opposite HDD's: Scythe 120mm Low RPM Drive Bay
                          HDD's In 5.25 bay held in 2x Nexus DoubleTwins
                          Disc Drives: Blu Ray/HDDVD LG GGCH20L, Pioneer DVR-216DBK
                          Monitor: Samsung LE40M86B
                          Receiver: Harman Kardon AVR255
                          Speaker System: Q Accoustics 5.1i System

                          Natalya Simonova: Do you destroy every vehicle you get into?
                          James Bond: Standard operating procedure. Boys with toys.


                          • #28
                            Re: EP45-DS3P LAN/DSL disconnection problems... HELP PLEASE!

                            I ve used only drivers directly downloaded from Realtek, now I try again the first one of the MB CD because of some reasons mentioned in previous posts.
                            >> The most useful guides currently on OC in addition to tweaktown sticky threads! <<


                            • #29
                              Re: EP45-DS3P LAN/DSL disconnection problems... HELP PLEASE!

                              Any luck with this yet? Can you still RMA where you bought the board?

                              If so, that would be faster then a Gigabyte RMA, and maybe you should seeing as this has been such a problem for you???


                              • #30
                                Re: EP45-DS3P LAN/DSL disconnection problems... HELP PLEASE!

                                Originally posted by Lsdmeasap View Post
                                Any luck with this yet? Can you still RMA where you bought the board?

                                If so, that would be faster then a Gigabyte RMA, and maybe you should seeing as this has been such a problem for you???
                                I have 3 years warranty on this board (I ve bought 1,5 month ago) so if I can not find any solution I have this option, although I would like to avoid this step before I am not sure what causes the problem, because I can not reproduce the error, and this way I can not prove that the board is faulty! Therefore could you check the questions which I posted previous? I would like to know your opinion. ---> post 26

                                The current status is somehow interesting, I did the clean install again as I mentioned with the drivers of MB CD (chipset, LAN). I changed the GFX card to my old Nvidia 6200. I am running only windows firewall. Since 3 days I ve had no disconnections...
                                Although I was not too much online each day, so I am still testing this "basic" installation until weekend and if everything is fine, I am going to install new firewall, softwares, games etc. and see what happens after each (1-2 days) again...
                                Last edited by vacapp; 03-27-2009, 05:25 AM. Reason: >>> UPDATE: ---> 4 days without disconnecting
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