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F12 boot problem

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  • F12 boot problem

    Hi everybody,
    I have one problem considering motherboard. I have Gigabyte motherboard GA-EP35-DS3R-F4. Computer runs under Windows XP SP2. When I start computer, just before windows loading screen, menu can be accessed pressing F12 on keyboard which allow user to choose boot device. Since my computer(s) are running in network environment, this is huge security issue for me. I can`t find option in BIOS to turn this off. Is there any way to shut down this option? I backed up bios and download Modbin (since motherboard uses AWARD bios), but all I can do from this tool is to change things considering bios this F12 option belong to bios at all?
    any help is appreciated...

  • #2
    Re: F12 boot problem

    I do not think you can disable that. Have you tried putting a password on the BIOS, this may pass protect the F12 menu but I am not sure.

    What is the risk, sorry I am not sure what you mean by that so I thought I would ask


    • #3
      Re: F12 boot problem

      Thanks for reply...yes there is an option to put the password on bios, but since I have 40 computers to start up , I use script to do that, it would be very painful to enter password every morning on 40 computers, 5 days a week...As I mentioned before, computers runs Win XP, and they all are in the domain, which means that there is administrator accounts on every computer..and with right software which can be booted from cd or removable device, those passwords can be changed, and then admin user credentials can be used.....I think you got the point.


      • #4
        Re: F12 boot problem

        Ahh, ya I guess that would be terrible to do 40 passwords each morning!

        Yeap, I got your security point for sure now, I just wondered if that was the reason or not is why I asked.

        I will pass this info along to Gigabyte as I am sure you are not the first or last to run into this issue. Maybe they will add the option in a future BIOS Release

        In the meantime you could email Tech Support and ask about this as there may be a hidden Hot Key to disable this menu and they just do not publish the info for security reasons of course as enable/disable would likely be the same keys. There is a few hotkeys I know that are not published, this is not one of them though. So give shoot them a email and link here if you like, and ask if there is a hot key to disable this menu >>

        Let me know if there is and they pass it along to you, Via PM of course


        • #5
          Re: F12 boot problem

          well, I did that first, ask same question, ask if there`s some bios version which disables this feature and they reply to me that does not exist. I didn`t know for hot keys, I `ll try with that. Thanks for your help


          • #6
            Re: F12 boot problem

            What you could do, which yes would take 40 times doing so but worth it, is go to each PC and manually set each PC to have a Password to lock the BIOS (Set to Setup, not system) and then in the BIOS remove the CD Drive from the Boot order, that may remove it from the options in F12. But if not, at least each PC would not be able to enter the BIOS.

            If you set each to lock the BIOS using Setup, instead of System, you will not have to enter a password for each everyday only when you needed to enter the BIOS on that PC

            I will let you know soon as I find out if there is a Hotkey, or what your options could be in this case


            • #7
              Re: F12 boot problem

              Well, I didn`t want to bother you with details, there is actually 140 computers, divided into 6 laboratories, FSC Server with 2x4 xeon cores, 16GB RAM, 4TB data storage,...point is...bios setup is password protected, computer can only be booted from HD,all other devices are disabled, but this does not help with famous F12 key. This little detail with motherboard is something we have missed during ordering equipment procedure...what can I tell...details...
              thanks for trying to help


              • #8
                Re: F12 boot problem

                Ahh, well that is a bit more then 40 for sure.

                I will see what they have to say about this, and link them here as well. There may not be anything possible though? I will see what I can find out

