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losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

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  • losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

    Set-up as fallows:
    45 DQ6, bios 7, tried 13a (not a good idea)
    Q6600 Intel
    4x corsair
    No OC I need this rock solid
    OS (XP pro sp3) on mobo raid 0, 2x Seagate's ES class
    Pagefile on on mobo raid 0, 2x Seagate's ES class (yes have some on the C drive
    Scratch disk (Photoshop) on mobo raid 0, 2x Seagate's ES class
    Data: raid 5 Seagate's ES class on promise Pci8x card.
    Dual back ups via software, one for data, other a mirror of OS
    Corsair 650 PS (startup 3.9 amps, stable running 2.9 amps, on UPS 1000 watt.

    Now the whole point of all this hydro electric black hole is I need a fast machine that can run 24 hours with a week end down time to back up to tape.

    Once this thing is going, it has been on for about 5 weeks 24/7 with a S3 when not needed.

    I cant turn it off ! If I do it will take a day of restarts, load last good prefs what ever , just a nogo.

    It has been down for 48 hours . I was able to get every thing up and running, so on a reboot (after adding my data array) I am now faced with " no config system! It was working 10 minutes ago.

    Anyway 911 cal to the Gigabyte guy or the system is out of here, for sale and a top end Dell is in.

    Any idea what is going on ? i got an other 24 hours before it's history.

    Thanks anyone with some insight on this.

    [email protected] (if I can get some help faster)

  • #2
    Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

    What voltages do you have set for ICH I/O and ICH Core? I would expect you would need a bump for sure to both for all of that. Maybe 1.55-1.6 I/O and 1.15-1.25 ICH Core

    You did set your ram voltage correct? Just checking, and with 4 sticks you would likely need to add some MCH Core voltage and put performance enhance on standard.

    I can help you with some non overclock settings if you like, Full or mostly Auto either way. Link me to your ram and let me know and I will advise

    I see you tried F13a, although you may not have liked that, I would advise at least a newer final then F7, but that is all up to you of course


    • #3
      Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

      Everything WAS stock ,but as of 7 houres ago I cant get it up and running. Says the there is no windows/sys32/config/ sys,

      But from the bios, (advantages to being a photographer) Photo of the data
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

        Well missing o corrupt files could mean two things, one of course the file is missing or corrupt and the other would be incorrect ram settings which can cause the error to appear yet files are fine, or can cause the files to corrupt

        Can you enter Safe mode? Did you install and drivers or programs before this occurred?

        What you can try is a Repair Install from the Install CD, here is how to do that as I do not mean using the Repair console so just wanted to be sure you knew what I meant. This will leave all files, but you will have to reinstall all updates after SP3 >>
        How to repair Windows XP/2000 if you are unable to boot into Windows - TechSpot OpenBoards

        How to perform an in-place upgrade (reinstallation) of Windows XP

        You may also want to try this first, run a chkdsk from the recovery console. Here is how >>
        Windows XP - Running Checkdisk from a Boot CD

        Here is what I would advise for stock settings for your setup, they may or may not help with your issue of corrupted files and not being able to start windows but I do advise you use them now or before a clean install if that is what you have to eventually do (You have a mirror of the OS right, should be simple then) >>>

        *Will edit in the rest of the settings, I need a Link to your ram or the Model # before I can advise*

        [b][u]MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)[/u][/b]
        Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Auto or Fast
        CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 9
        Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.0
        CPU Frequency ...........................: 2.4
        [b][u]Clock Chip Control [/u][/b]
        [b][u]Standard Clock Control[/u][/b]
        CPU Host Clock Control..................: [Enabled] 
        CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............: 266Mhz
        [B]PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:Set to 100[/B]
        C.I.A.2 .................................:[Disabled]
        [b][u]Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter][/u][/b]
        CPU Clock Drive...........................: <<< 800
        PCI Express Clock Drive.................: <<< 900
        CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: <<< 
        MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: <<< 
        [b][u]DRAM Performance Control[/u][/b][u][/u]
        [B]Performance Enhance...................: [STANDARD][/B]
        Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Disabled
        (G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: [Auto]
        System Memory Multiplier ..............: 
        Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 3.00A (If 800Mhz ram) 4.00A (if 1066 Ram)
        DRAM Timing Selectable ................: [Manual]
        [b]Standard Timing Control[/b]
        CAS Latency Time........................
        tRCD .........................................
        Set all Suggested below to highest Values first.  Then later you can lower, one at a time, testing as you go <<<  These can all be left in Auto if you wish, but I do advise setting the tRFC at least, and possibly tRD (Static tRead Value) if it is too low in auto.  I would need a screenshot of Memset running in windows once you get going to advise on that, so we will wait till then before I check if Auto is too low on your setup
        [b][u]Advanced Timing Control[/u][/b]
        Command Rate (CMD) ....................:2
        [u][b]Driving Strength Profiles[/b][/u][b][/b]
        Driving Strength ............................
        [b]Channel A[/b]
        Static tRead Value.........................:6-10
         tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:Auto <<< Leave for all below as well
        tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
         tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
         tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
        Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto 
        Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto 
        Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto 
        Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto 
        Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  ps
        Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  ps
        [b]Channel B[/b]
        Static tRead Value.........................:6-10
         tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:Auto <<< Leave for all below as well
        tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
         tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
         tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
        Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto 
        Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto 
        Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto 
        Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto 
        Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  ps
        Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  ps
        [b][U]Motherboard Voltage Control[/U][/b][U][/U]
        Voltage Type.………... Manual
        CPU Vcore….……….........................:Auto if not overclocking, if you are overclocking please do find and set your own voltages
        CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*.......: << If overclocking Please set to stock, Auto overvolts this way to much.  Optimal range for overclock would be 1.2-1.5 depending on Vcore, try to keep at least .1 under vcore.  Auto is fine if not overclocking
        CPU PLL…………………....1.500V*.......: << If overclocking Please set to stock, Auto overvolts this way to much.  Optimal range for overclock would be 1.5-1.65.  Auto is fine if not overclocking
        CPU Referen.…………....0.755V*.......: <<< .64% Of Vtt (Termination above) Auto Will set this correctly 
        CPU Reference2………,,0.800V*.......:<<< .67% Of Vtt (Termination above) Auto Will set this correctly 
        [B]MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: << 1.2-1.3 (1.20-1.24 often fine)[/B]
        MCH Reference….…….0.800V...........; <<< Leave
        MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: <<< Leave
        [B]ICH I/O……………….....1.500V............: <<< 1.55-1.6[/B]
        [B]ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: <<< 1.14-1.25[/B]
        [B]DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: [/B]Must be set, But I need your ram info
        DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: <<< Leave
        Channel A Reference 0.900V............: <<< Leave
        Channel B Reference 0.900V............: <<< Leave
        [b][U]Advanced Settings[/U][/b][U][/U]
        Limit CPUID Max. to 3.....................: [Disabled]
        No-Execute Memory Protect............: [Enabled]
        CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)................: [Disabled]
        C2/C2E State Support....................: [Disabled]
        x C4/C4E State Support..................: [Disabled]
        CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ...........: [Enabled]
        CPU EIST Function.........................: [Disabled]
        Virtualization Technology................: [Disabled] Enabled if you use Vmware/Virtual PC
        [b][U]Integrated Peripherals[/U][/b][U][/U]
        Legacy USB Storage Detect ..............[Disabled] *Note* Must be enabled to flash from USB
        Last edited by Lsdmeasap; 03-24-2009, 01:02 AM.


        • #5
          Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

          Ok, well I will give it a run.
          It's 02h00 here and I am going on a 24 hour run so this may take a while ..

          I put in a 2 stick TWIN Corsair 8500C5D memory. I took a chance and has issues with memtest. Could the problembs be that i was off on the settings for this type of memory ? I pulled them and have started the rma PROCESS , BUT IF THE ONLY ISSUE WAS INCORRECT SETTINGS ( I HAVE A PHOTO OF THE MEMTEST ALSO) oops sorry about the caps, getting a tad tired.
          If you want to see the image of the memtest let me knoe. also feel free to email direct as it will be faster if allowed on this forum .

          I will keep you posted. I really would like to keep the mobo, so this help is great !




          • #6
            Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

            Well from your above image, yes it could be just settings because you are not setting the correct ram voltage for the sticks. And if you are using 4GB normally, you would need to set a few things for sure. But 2 or 4 GB you would need to set the ram voltage for sure at the very least, which you are not, that would cause Memtest errors for sure.

            Please give me a link to your ram or the model # and I can advise you of settings you need to set.

            You can RMA, but if those sticks are ok your new ones will have the same issues until you set your settings correctly. Auto should only be used on things to get your board started, after that you need to set a few things at least manually for sure


            • #7
              Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

              ok, ram I want to kkep in there is the
              Corsair CM 2048-8500C5D
              this is from the Corsair site:
              <table class="professional" id="ctl00_ctl00_cpBodyCode_cpSubBodyCode_dgProduct Memory" style="width: 97%; border-collapse: collapse;" rules="all" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr class="configurator-featured-alternating_style"><td>TWIN2X4096-8500C5DF</td><td>DDR2-1066 (Dominator-8500C5*4GB*SLI)</td><td>4GB Kit (2 x 2GB)</td><td>5-5-5-15-2T</td><td>2.1</td></tr></tbody></table>
              * note this memory has been pulled and is ready for RMA.

              In the unit for now iare 2x Corsair CMX1024-5400C4, 4-4-4-12

              As of 08h21 EST, the PC will not boot to repair as the main OS is on a raid 0 array and the floppy both USB and regularof the mobo and a copy on USB stick lwill not kick in to see and repair the array. man am out of luck or what, not one but three sources for floppy. Score is PC 1-0


              • #8
                Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

                You also need to take into account that 10 drives may take up to 25amps from the 12 volt line on startup of the PC.

                Hard drives often consume 4x their normal r/w operation current on startup, that's why there is a "Staggered" start up option, I believe under the AHCI heading - but you also need a motherboard that supports it too.

                Although the TX650 PSU is good any other settings that aren't optimised in the bios ie memory etc could be affected moreso due to the startup volt drop caused by the 10 drives.

                A better approach would be say to have one drive connected and then see what happens and also tweak your other bios settings. Once knowing you then have (hopefully) a steady platform, add the other drives.
                GA-P35C-DS3R Rev2.0 F11 bios, E8200 (@3.0Ghz), OCZ DDR3 PC3-10666 Reaper 4GB (@1200Mhz), Xonar D1, 8800GTS 512, Corsair HX520 (Single 12volt line, Max 40A), WDC 3200aaks/5000aaks in AHCI mode, Vista 64 Premium.


                • #9
                  Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

                  Looking at at 1000 watt option.


                  • #10
                    Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

                    What about a second PSU ? May be cheaper than a 1k unit and external to keep heat down.


                    • #11
                      Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

                      Obviously a decent (and i mean decent) larger PSU (capacity wise) will be less likely to vary with such a high startup load than a smaller one.

                      However, I think it's important that you establish that the board is running with stability in what would be considered the "Average" setup, ie 1 or 2 Hard Drives.

                      I'm not one of these people that advocate large PSU's as often it's overkill especially if you have a decent make/model of PSU. However 10 hard drives will along with the rest of the system, cause an above average (almost abnormal) startup current - the effects which might not be readily seen, unless you have a 100% stable setup anyway.

                      The Second PSU, say just for the Hard drives idea, is a good option, although you will have to slightly modify the way the second PSU switches on and off, which is not really ideal.

                      Personally i would check your setup with just one drive first and see if the board/memory etc works 100% , ie no startup or memory errors etc.
                      You need a base reference, otherwise you are ultimately guessing and wasting money.
                      GA-P35C-DS3R Rev2.0 F11 bios, E8200 (@3.0Ghz), OCZ DDR3 PC3-10666 Reaper 4GB (@1200Mhz), Xonar D1, 8800GTS 512, Corsair HX520 (Single 12volt line, Max 40A), WDC 3200aaks/5000aaks in AHCI mode, Vista 64 Premium.


                      • #12
                        Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

                        Have any luck with this or any further testing done yet?


                        • #13
                          Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

                          Well I was able to get the system up and runnung, so as you can imagine, first thing was to clone data.

                          I am running of of a single HD for the OS for the moment as I have a backlog of work. seems that 650 watts may not be enough, but having read your comments on the incorrect params for the ram, I may go there before spending 300$ on a PSU.

                          I sent the link to the RAM site, I may need some help with this as it really not my cup of tea :-)




                          • #14
                            Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

                            BTW, I rarly see this mobo anywhere. Is it an odd choice or a bad one ? Rememner I am a photographer / video producer and do a lot of rendering. Also a bit of the black sheep not being on a MAC..


                            • #15
                              Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

                              Originally posted by chris360 View Post
                              Well I was able to get the system up and runnung, so as you can imagine, first thing was to clone data.

                              I am running of of a single HD for the OS for the moment as I have a backlog of work. seems that 650 watts may not be enough, but having read your comments on the incorrect params for the ram, I may go there before spending 300$ on a PSU.

                              I sent the link to the RAM site, I may need some help with this as it really not my cup of tea :-)


                              What do you mean you sent the link to the ram site??

                              Originally posted by chris360 View Post
                              BTW, I rarly see this mobo anywhere. Is it an odd choice or a bad one ? Rememner I am a photographer / video producer and do a lot of rendering. Also a bit of the black sheep not being on a MAC..
                              No it is a great board, wish I had one myself. They are just the most expensive ones for P45 and that is why you see less of the sold/owned. It is also less likely cold/owned now due to Gigabyte releasing the much cheaper UD3 models shortly after the normal P45 models were introduced

                              If you do need help with your ram settings, please post the link here and I can help

                              Good luck with your cloning and data backups

